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you know exactly what you are going to do, what is the point of doing
it? Pablo
Picasso Every line in your calculations ends with "=0". You are not making much progress! Kate Hammett We don't do the calculation because we don't know the answer, we do it because we have a conscience. Bryan Taylor Let's change the resolution on the Unknown. Gabe Plunk Let me put it differently: suppose we had a reactor... Per Helander Working together takes more than one person. Bill Dorland We can't do ultraviolence to that square bracket. Ian Abel Field lines are forever. Bryan Taylor This is not really an ill-posed problem, this is not a problem at all. Paul Dellar I am just doing mathematics at the moment, but it is mathematics that has some point. Bryan Taylor The equivalent of God in MAST is MHD, which is global and all powerful. Anthony Field I've got a fishbone coming up. Tim Horbury We have crossed all the i's and dotted all the t's. Job's a good'un. Ian Abel Let us not jump in front of the bandwagon! Alex Schekochihin It's not the triviality, it's the emptiness of it that bothers me. Bryan Taylor Never take 0 for an answer. Alex Schekochihin This is a very inefficient way of achieving nothing. François Rincon We Hankel all the way in and then Hankel all the way out. Joseph Parker For the sake of fairness, let me mention that some people have objections to this, none of which are particularly valid. Chris Chen Yes, Steve, you have always known what we have only just figured out. Alfred Mallet |
It is
better to be roughly right than precisely wrong. Maynard
Keynes This is more or less right. Perhaps less. Alfred Mallet You go ahead with your argument. I'll think. Steve Cowley Too simple? At the end of my talk, you will beg for simplicity! Andrey Beresnyak The point is not the point! Anonymous This is why I am presenting this here and nowhere else: nothing is solved! Ian Abel This calculation is not intellectual masturbation: there's no orgasm. Anonymous There are many big Buts here... I like big Buts. Matt Kunz Previous studies of this problem have been either unsatisfactory or limited in scope.---What is the difference between these?---This means either wrong or irrelevant. Anatoly Spitkovsky, Michael Medvedev and Steve Cowley (in conversation) I don't give a damn about astrophysics, explain to me what is going on. Anatoly Spitkovsky Have you subtracted the baby with the bathwater? Steve Balbus This is not rigour, unless you mean rigor mortis. Ian Abel I wouldn't say these are theoretical arguments... Let's just call them arguments. François Rincon You can never be too happy with the state of your closure. Amitava Bhattacharjee For this plot, 1 is 6.--- Weeell, not even. Steve Cowley and Steve Balbus Это качественное объяснение недостаточно качественное. Eugene Churazov If you mean it seriously, this is actually a very good question. Minhyong Kim This paper is a tour de farce. Ian Abel What is modelling? You run a simulation, you compare. If it coincides, great! If it doesn't coincide, f*ck! Felix Parra We are stuck at x=0. Felix Parra When you say this, Kolmogorov is spinning in his grave at the Larmor frequency! Alex Schekochihin Unlike you, I live in real space. Michael Hardman |
Name | Affiliation | Wk
1 Astro |
2 Fusion |
h |
€ |
Title |
Background Reading |
Slides |
Abel |
Chalmers --->Maryland |
28-5 |
H |
N |
The simplest possible pedestal? |
Theory background: JPP 84, 745840202 (2018) |
Arzamasskiy |
Princeton |
21-29 |
H |
N |
simulations of driven solar-wind turbulence: spectral anisotropy,
perpendicular ion heating and non-thermal features in distribution
function (with Kunz, Chandran and Quataert) |
preprint soon |
pdf, 4.4Mb |
Michael Barnes | Oxford |
29-3 |
H |
N |
Cross-scale turbulence: summary/discussion |
pdf, 34kb |
Andrei Beloborodov |
Columbia |
ar 23 |
31 |
Ab |
N |
Dissipation/plasma in compact objects |
ApJ 850, 141
(2017) |
pdf, 6.2Mb |
Archie Bott |
Oxford |
22-27 |
F |
Y |
New plasma dynamo experiments on
Old experiments: Nature Comm. 9, 591 (2018) |
ask author |
Calvo |
29-3 |
H |
Y |
--- |
arXiv:1803.05691 |
Catto |
29-3 |
H |
Y |
--- |
Cerri |
Princeton |
ar 22 |
lv 3 |
D |
Y |
3D hybrid-kinetic turbulence and
phase-space cascades in a beta=1 plasma (with Kunz) |
ApJL 856, L13
(2018) ApJL 846, L18 (2017) |
pdf, 9.8Mb |
Ben Chandran |
New Hampshire |
22-27 |
H |
N |
Parametric instability, inverse
cascade, and the 1/f spectrum of solar-wind turbulence |
JPP 84,
905840106 (2018) |
pdf, 2.5Mb |
Ilya Dodin |
Princeton |
29-4 |
H |
N |
Inhomogeneous drift-wave
turbulence as an effective quantum plasma |
Rev. E 97, 053210 (2018) arXiv:1805.04086 arXiv:1805.02233 arXiv:1803.10817 |
ask author |
Dorland |
Maryland |
ar 22 |
lv 3 |
Y |
Phase-space echoes and fluidisation of collisionless plasma turbulence (with Meyrand & Schekochihin) |
arXiv:1808.04284 background: JPP 82, 905820212 (2016) |
pdf, 16Mb |
Groselj |
IPP Garching |
ar 23 |
lv 3 |
D |
Y |
Kinetic turbulence in
astrophysical plasmas: waves and/or structures? |
arXiv:1806.05741 PRL 120, 105101 (2018) |
pdf, 4.7Mb |
Hardman |
Oxford |
29-4 |
F |
Y |
A scale separated framework for
studying cross scale interactions in plasma turbulence (with Barnes) |
pdf, 4.2Mb |
Kawazura |
Oxford |
22-27 |
F |
N |
Ion vs. electron heating in astro-GK turbulence (with Barnes and Schekochihin) | arXiv:1807.07702 code: JCP 360, 57 (2018) |
pdf, 8Mb |
Kunz |
Princeton |
21-29 |
H |
N |
1. Sound waves in high-beta
plasma 2. Mirror-mediated magnetic reconnection |
preprints soon |
ask author |
Nuno Loureiro | MIT |
ar 22 |
lv 1 |
H |
N |
Turbulence in pair plasmas |
arXiv:1805.09224 |
pdf, 1.9Mb |
Maeyama |
Nagoya |
29-4 |
H |
N |
Effects of sub-ion-scale
structures on cross-scale interactions in Tokamak plasma turbulence |
114, 255002 (2015) PRL 119, 195002 (2017) |
pdf, 2.8Mb |
Lucio Milanese |
28-4 |
D |
Y |
--- |
Michael Nastac |
Maryland |
ar 22 |
lv ? |
F |
Y |
--- |
Parker |
28-4 |
H |
N |
Multiple-timescale global GK
turbulence and transport simulations for tokamaks |
58, 054004 (2018) |
pdf, 2.2Mb |
Parra Diaz |
Oxford |
29-3 |
H |
N |
The boundary of a magnetised
plasma |
arXiv:1805.02975 |
pdf, 12Mb |
Francois Rincon |
Toulouse |
22-28 |
D |
Y |
--- |
review of dynamos coming soon |
Alex Schekochihin | Oxford |
ar 22 |
lv 3 |
H |
N |
1. Ion vs. electron heating in
astro-GK turbulence (with Kawazura & Barnes) 2. Some interesting nuggets in MHD turbulence theory |
1. arXiv:1807.07702 2. preprint please comment! |
pdf, 4.5Mb |
Lorenzo Sironi |
Columbia |
22-27 |
D |
N |
Electron heating in shocks and
reconnection |
ApJ 858, 95
(2018) ApJ 851, 134 (2017) ApJ 850, 29 (2017) |
pdf, 6.2Mb |
Spitkovsky |
Princeton |
23-27 |
H |
N |
Electron heating in collisionless shocks |
pdf, 7.2Mb |
James Stone |
Princeton |
22-28 |
H |
N |
Statistics of current sheets in
MRI turbulence |
pdf, 25Mb |
St-Onge |
Princeton |
24 |
lv 1 |
D |
N |
Plasma dynamo: latest results
(with Kunz) |
arXiv:1806.11162 |
pdf, 2.1Mb |
Uzdensky |
UC Boulder |
22-28 |
H |
Y |
particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection (with Werner) and other
selected topics (incl. ion vs. electron heating in relativistic
collisionless turbulence) |
pdf, 7.9Mb |
Greg Werner |
UC Boulder |
22-28 |
H |
Y |
Relativistic reconnection: (1)
heating and nothermal particle acceleration in pair and electron-ion
plasmas; (2) with external inverse Compton cooling (with Uzdensky) |
pdf, 6.3Mb |
White |
28-3 |
D |
Y |
Anomalous resistivity and
reconnection in an evolving current profile (with Loureiro and Milanese) |
ask author |
23 July |
24 July |
25 July |
26 July |
27 July |
Coffee 9:45 Welcome/self-intros |
9:30 Coffee | 9:30 Coffee | 9:30 Coffee | 9:30 Coffee |
KINETIC TURBULENCE 10:00 Groselj 10:45 Cerri |
TURBULENCE/S. WIND 10:00 Arzamasskiy 10:45 Chandran |
DYNAMO 10:00 St-Onge 10:45 Bott |
HIGH BETA 10:00 Kunz KINETIC TURBULENCE 10:45 Dorland |
TURBULENCE 10:00 Loureiro 10:45 Stone |
Lunch/work/play |
Lunch/work/play | Lunch/work/play | Lunch/work/play | Lunch/work/play |
Coffee |
16:00 Coffee | 16:00 Coffee | 16:00 Coffee | 16:00 Coffee |
HEATING 16:00 Kawazura 16:45 Sironi |
REC-N/HEATING 16:00 Spitkovsky 16:45 Beloborodov |
REC-N/HEATING 16:00 Uzdensky 16:45 Werner |
30 July |
31 July |
1 Aug |
2 Aug |
Friday 3 Aug |
Coffee 9:45 Welcome/self-intros |
9:30 Coffee | 9:30 Coffee | 9:30 Coffee | 9:30 Coffee |
CROSS SCALE 10:00 Maeyama 10:45 Hardman |
TURBULENCE 10:00 Dodin |
TRANSPORT 10:00 Parker |
EDGE 10:00 Abel |
EDGE 10:00 Parra |
Lunch/work/play | Lunch/work/play | Lunch/work/play | Lunch/work/play | Close at noon |
16:00 Coffee | 16:00 Coffee | 16:00 Coffee | 16:00 Coffee | |
ASTRO TURBULENCE 16:00 Schekochihin 16:45 Dorland |
ASTRO TURBULENCE 16:00 Cerri & Groselj |
RECONNECTION 16:00 White |
CROSS SCALE 16:00 Cross-scale turbulence concluding discussion (moderated by Barnes) |