The style of the seminars will be informal/chaotic/interactive, following the established tradition. The format of the presentations can be a tutorial on a topic of interest, a report on just completed/ongoing/just starting/potentially interesting research projects, a literature review, a lecture by a passing visitor or anything else worthwhile that anyone cares to suggest. The speakers will be interrupted freely and asked to defend themselves.
For background reading, only the most relevant or the most recent references are posted; please follow the paper trail from there.

The schedule is subject to change on short notice, but what you see posted here is always up to date; the seminars are also announced via the department's seminar server (group meetings are not). Please email Alex Schekochihin if you would like to receive email updates on these seminars.

"Group meetings to discuss current affairs" will discuss current affairs (ongoing projects, new litearture etc.) as well as feature some presentations that are even more informal than seminars. They are open to all members of the Oxford Plasma Theory Group (which is easy to join). While some expected contributions are pre-announced, everything is TBC and people wishing their work to be discussed can volunteer contributions without prior notice. Unlike for the seminars, there will not be full-spam-list email reminders of the group meetings.

Past seminar database:
Autumn 2007; Winter-Spring 2008; Summer 2008; Autumn 2008; HT 2009; TT 2009; Summer 2009; MT 2009; HT 2009; TT 2010; Summer 2010; MT 2010; HT 2011; TT 2011; Summer 2011; MT 2011; HT 2012; TT 2012; Summer 2012; MT 2012; HT 2013

Trinity Term and Summer of 2013

The seminars/group meetings will be on Thursdays at 11:00 am in 501 DWB ("the Seminar Room"), unless otherwise specified below.
Related series: TURBSIM seminars at Culham
Another related series: Astrophysics Brown Bag Seminars

If you know exactly what you are going to do, what is the point of doing it? Pablo Picasso
It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.
Maynard Keynes

Every line in your calculations ends with "=0". You are not making much progress! Kate Hammett
We don't do the calculation because we don't know the answer,
we do it because we have a conscience.
Bryan Taylor
Let's change the resolution on the Unknown. Gabe Plunk
Let me put it differently: suppose we had a reactor... Per Helander
Working together takes more than one person. Bill Dorland
We can't do ultraviolence to that square bracket. Ian Abel
Field lines are forever. Bryan Taylor
This is not really an ill-posed problem, it is not a problem at all. Paul Dellar
I am just doing mathematics at the moment, but it is mathematics that has some point. Bryan Taylor
  The equivalent of God in MAST is MHD, which is global and all powerful. Anthony Field
I've got a fishbone coming up. Tim Horbury
We have crossed all the i's and dotted all the t's. Job's a good'un. Ian Abel
Let's not jump in front of the bandwagon! Anonymous
It's not the triviality, it's the emptiness of it that bothers me. Bryan Taylor
This is a very inefficient way of achieving nothing. François Rincon
We Hankel all the way in and then Hankel all the way out. Joseph Parker
For fairness' sake, let me mention that some people have objections to this,
none of which is particularly valid.
Chris Chen

Wk Date
Time & place
Speaker & Topic
Background reading
Visitors in town
during the week

18-29 Mar
6th Gyrokinetics Working Group Meeting, WPI, Vienna Daniel Verscharen

Thu 4 Apr 11:00am
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
Alex Schekochihin (Oxford) --- Life in Hermite space
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]
PoP 18, 102309 (2011)
ApJS 182, 310 (2009)
(sec 6.2)

8-12 Apr
Stability, Energetics and Turbulent Transport in Astrophysical, Fusion and Solar Plasmas, Princeton
Thu 18 Apr
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Jean Perez (UNH) --- Alfven turbulence and heating in coronal holes
ApJ 707, 1659 (2009)
ApJ, 736, 3 (2011)
Jean Perez

Thu 25 Apr
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
Greg Hammett (Princeton) --- What I would like us to think about while I am in Oxford (TBC)
Greg Colyer (CCFE) --- (1) TTF summary report;
(2) Results from the ITG-ETG CBC parameter scan
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]

Henrik Latter
(DAMTP, Cambridge)
Jean Perez

Greg Hammett
joins Plasma Group
as sabbatical visitor
Savilian Professor Inaugural Lecture:
Steve Balbus (Oxford Astro) --- Turning in the Widening Gyre: Accretion Processes in the Universe

Thu 2 May 2:00pm
The 43rd UK Fusion Theory Seminar (contact Sarah Newton for further info/access to site).
Greg Hammett (Princeton) --- Thoughts about ways to improve confinement for fusion devices
Ben Dudson (York) --- Progress towards gyrofluid edge simulations with neutral gas

Thu 9 May
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Geoff Vasil (UC Berkeley) --- New ideas in stellar magnetism, and the magnetorotational instability

Geoff Vasil
(UC Berkeley)
Thu 16 May 9:15am
CCFE Physics Meeting:
Tom Bird (Greifwald) --- The response of ion-scale turbulence to 3D flux surface deformations
Daniela Grasso (Torino) --- Transport barriers to magnetic field line motion during a reconnection event
Tom Bird
(IPP Greifswald)
Special ELM dynamics/mitigation meeting at Culham:
Colin Roach --- Modelling the interELM pedestal evolution
Howard Wilson --- ELM trigger and nonlinear ELM dynamics including energy loss mechanisms
Ian Chapman --- Effect of RMPs on ELM s   - can we understand ELM mitigation/suppression and can we extrapolate to ITER
Andrew Kirk --- Small ELM regimes - what makes a grassy ELM or type II ELMS and why do they remove type I ELM
Oxford University Physics Society:
Alex Schekochihin (Oxford TP) --- A turbulent world (and what happens if you spin it)
Fri 17 May
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
Michael Fox --- New results on sheared turbulence in MAST
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]
PRL 110, 145002 (2013)
Mon 20 May
Sciama LT
Astrophysics Colloquium:
Ben Chandran (UNH) --- The origin of the solar wind
Tom Bird
(IPP Greifswald)

Ben Chandran (UNH)
finishes his sabbatical stay

Thu 23 May 9:30am
Special Presentation at JET:
Francesco Romanelli (EFDA Director) --- European Fusion Road Map

Pease Rm
Plasma Theory Group Seminar (contact Greg Colyer for further info/access to site)
Tom Bird (IPP Greifswald) --- Gyrokinetic turbulence in nonaxisymmetric geometry
NF 53, 013004 (2013)
Thu 30 May 11:00am
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Christopher Haynes (Queen Mary) --- Reconnection and electron temperature anisotropy in electron scale plasma turbulence
ApJ 730, 114 (2011)
David Burgess,
Christopher Haynes
(Queen Mary)
Tue 4 June
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Steve Cowley (U.K.A.E.A.) --- Explosive behaviour in plasmas
Phys Rep 283, 185 (1997)

Thu 6 June
The 44th UK Fusion Theory Seminar (contact Sarah Newton for further info/access to site).
Tony Arber (Warwick) --- Solar chromospheric MHD
Anthony Webster (CCFE) --- The statistics of edge-localised plasma instabilities: evidence for temporal resonances
Thu 13 June
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Gabor Szepesi (Warwick) --- The role of light impurities in turbulent transport in core tokamak plasmas
NF 53, 033007 (2013)
Gabor Szepesi
Thu 20 June
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
Plasma waves: unmagnetised (IGA)
textbook material
(e.g., books by
Stix or Swanson)
Greg Hammett
finishes his sabbatical stay

Tue 25 June
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Chris Chen (Berkeley) --- The nature of subproton-scale turbulence in the solar wind
Chris Chen
Thu 27 June
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
Plasma waves: unmagnetised cont'd, cold (IGA)
textbook material
(e.g., books by
Stix or Swanson)

Tue 2 July
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
Plasma waves: cold cont'd (IGA)
textbook material
(e.g., books by
Stix or Swanson)
Jeff Parker
A. Wood
Seminar Rm
Atomic and Laser Physics Seminar:
John Foster (AWE) --- Astrophysically-relevant hydrodynamics experiments using lasers
Wed 3 July
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Jeff Parker (Princeton) --- Zonal flow as spontaneous symmetry breaking of homogeneous turbulence

Thu 11 July 11:00am
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]

Thu 18 July 11:00am
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
We will, amongst other things discuss plans for Maryland collaborations
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]

The Maryland contingent:
Bill Dorland,
Anjor Kanekar,
George Wilkie,
Noah Mandell,
Hannelore Gerling-Dunsmore
arrive this week

Eliot Quataert

Tue 23 July
501 DWB
Special mini-workshop on zonal flows and ITG-ETG plasma turbulence (organised by Greg Colyer)
Moto Nakata (JAEA) --- Nonlinear entropy transfer processes via zonal flows in plasma turbulence
Bill Dorland (Maryland) --- Zonal flows & secondary instabilities redux

Jonathan Citrin
Young-chul Ghim
Tim Horbury
Motoki Nakata
Wed 24 July
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
1) Plasma waves: magnetised hot (IGA)
2) KAW-IBW conversion and cyclotron resonance (AAS)
1) Standard
textbook material
(e.g., books by
Stix or Swanson)
2) arXiv:0707.3147
(read Appendix A)
Thu 25 July 2:00pm
The 45th UK Fusion Theory Seminar (contact Sarah Newton for further info/access to site).
Motoki Nakata (JAEA) --- Nonlinear entropy transfer processes via zonal flows in plasma turbulence (Part 2)
Bill Dorland (Maryland) --- Update on activities of the Maryland group

Thu 1 Aug
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
Progress on action items decided at our meeting 2 weeks ago:
---Alpha particles (G. Wilkie, I. Abel, E. Highcock)
---Transport modeling (W. Dorland, N. Mandell, E. Highcock)
---Kinetic passive scalar (A. Kanekar, A. Schekochihin)
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]

Ian Abel
and Federico Mogavero
leave Oxford

Tue 6 Aug
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
Kinetic MHD and CGL equations (AAS)
1) SWIFF Notes, Sec 1
(do the exercise
at the end)
2) historic classics:
two Kulsrud reviews
and the CGL paper
posted here
3) Heseltine & Waelbroek
has a section on KMHD
Thu 8 Aug
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
Progress review on Maryland collaborations:
---Alpha particles (G. Wilkie, E. Highcock)
---Transport modeling (W. Dorland, N. Mandell, E. Highcock)
---ITG/ETG (G. Colyer)
---MAST turbulence real and numerical (F. van Wyk, M. Fox, A. Field, E. Highcock)
---Kinetic passive scalar (A. Kanekar, A. Schekochihin)
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]

Tue 13 Aug
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
1) CGL equations reviewed (AAS)
2) Firehose and mirror instabilities (AAS)
3) Exercise: Kinetic RMHD from KMHD (AAS)
4) Exercise: RMHD from Barginskii (AAS)
2) SWIFF Notes, Sec 2
(also see papers 1-3
posted there for
firehose theory)
3) PPCF 49, A195 (2007)
(from GK:
see Tome sec 5)
4) Tome App A

Thu 15 Aug
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
Final progress review on Maryland collaborations
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]

The Maryland contingent

Tue 20 Aug
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
Lagrangian MHD, action principle for MHD (AAS)
1) AAS Part III notes:
L05-sec 10
2) W. A. Newcomb,
Nucl. Fusion:
1962 Supplement,
Part 2, p. 451
Matt Kunz
Thu 22 Aug
501 DWB
Plasma Theory Group Seminar
Matt Kunz (Princeton) --- Magnetic self-organisation in Hall-dominated magnetorotational turbulence

Tue 27 Aug
2.2 TP
Plasma Physics Study Group
Energy principle for MHD (AAS)
1) AAS Part III notes:
L05-sec 11
2) Proc Roy Soc A 244, 17 (1958)

Thu 29 Aug
501 DWB
Group meeting to discuss current affairs:
1) M. Fox --- Update on MAST BES: sheared eddies, maximum-entropy data deconvolution, etc.
2) E. Highcock --- Update on the "Zero-Turbulence-Manifold" in JET (last summer's data redux)
3) A. Schekochihin --- ITG turbulence with shear: scaling theories (summary of possibilities)
[everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome]
1) PRL 110, 145002 (2013)
copy of Michael's report
available from author
on request
2) arXiv:1211.2883
PRL 109, 265001 (2012)

Autumn/Michaelmas Term of 2013