Wk | Date |
Time & place |
Speaker & Topic |
Background reading |
Visitors in town during the week |
Thu 6 Jan |
2:30pm Video Conf Rm, DWB (map) |
Group meeting to discuss current affairs: New Year resolutions? Diffusion of impurities discussion. ... [everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome] |
Bryan's paper: Phys Fluids 4, 1142 (1961) Jack's paper: Plasma Phys 15, 765 (1973) |
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Thu 13 Jan |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Brian Reville (Oxford/ALP) --- Radiative signatures of Fermi acceleration at relativistic shocks. [this will include a general overview of relativistic shocks] |
ApJL 710, L16 (2010) |
I |
Thu 20 Jan |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Michael Barnes (Oxford/TP) --- Transitions to reduced transport regimes in rotating tokamak plasmas. [this will include both review of past work and update on recent progress, as yet unpublished] |
arXiv:1009.0733 this preprint [0D background to new 1D results to be reported] |
II |
Thu 27 Jan |
2:00pm Culham |
The 22nd UK Fusion
Seminar (contact Sarah Newton for
further info/access to site).
Alex Robinson (CLF) --- Controlling relativistic electron flows in dense plasmas for inertial fusion applications. Alessandro Zocco (CCFE) --- Electron heating in collisionless magnetic reconnection: a gyrokinetic theory. |
Thu 3 Feb |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Group meeting to discuss current affairs: Joseph Parker --- Update on numerical methods for ITG. Ian Abel --- Update on the DT particle transport problem. Edmund Highcock --- What did GLF know about transport bifurcations? ... [everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome] |
Comp. Phys. Comm. 181, 1428 (2010) PoP 12, 022305 (2005) PoP 4, 2482 (1997) |
IV |
Thu 10 Feb |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Robert Wicks (Imperial) --- Alfvenic turbulence in the solar wind: anisotropy, imbalance, dynamic alignment. |
arXiv:1009.2427 MNRAS 407, L31 (2010) |
Tim Horbury (Imperial) Robert Wicks (Imperial) |
V |
Thu 17 Feb |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Justin Wark (Oxford/ALP) --- Creation and diagnosis of solid density plasmas. |
PRL 104, 225001 (2010) |
VI |
Thu 24 Feb |
2:00pm Culham |
The 23rd UK Fusion
Seminar (contact Sarah Newton for
further info/access to site).
Michael Fitzgerald (Australian National University) --- 2D analytical high-beta equilibria with toroidal flow Jerry Chittenden (Imperial) --- Ignition processes in magnetically driven, imploding, inertial fusion plasmas |
Thu 3 Mar |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Philipp Mertsch (Oxford/TP) --- The PAMELA anomaly: Evidence for a nearby cosmic particle accelerator? |
arXiv:0909.4060 arXiv:1012.4239 |
Tue 8 Mar |
12:30 BIPAC |
Astrophysics Brown Bag Seminar: Matt Kunz (Oxford/TP) --- Dynamical stability of a thermally stratified intracluster medium with anisotropic momentum and heat transport. |
Thu 10 Mar |
3:00pm 501 DWB (map) |
Group meeting to discuss current affairs: Bryan Taylor --- Update on the DT particle transport (theory). Michael Barnes & Felix Parra --- Critical balances, parallel correlations and transport scalings for ITG turbulence. ... [everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome] |
Bryan's notes are available from him, on request |
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Thu 17 Mar |
No seminar |
Thu 24 Mar |
2:30pm 501 DWB (map) |
Group meeting to discuss current affairs: Agenda for Vienna is likely to be discussed ... [everything TBC; unannounced contributions welcome] |
Mar 29-Apr 1 |
Vienna Meeting on Kinetics for Space Plasmas (everyone who is going to the working group meeting the week after is welcome to this one as well) |
Thu 31 Mar |
2:00pm Culham |
The 24th UK Fusion
Seminar (contact Sarah Newton for
further info/access to site).
Chris Ham (Culham) --- Analytic modelling of resistive wall mode stabilization including toroidal effects and differential rotation. Erwin Verwichte (Warwick) --- MHD waves in structured plasmas: a solar coronal viewpoint |