Alexander Schekochihin



The style of these meetings will be informal/chaotic/interactive, following the established tradition.
The format will include normally a short literature review as a starter, followed by the main event, which can be a tutorial on a topic of interest, a report on just completed/ongoing/just starting/potentially interesting research projects, a lecture by a passing visitor or anything else worthwhile that anyone cares to suggest. The use of blackboard is preferable to electronic means of projection, unless the latter is genuinely needed. The speakers will be interrupted freely and asked to defend themselves.

For background reading, only the most relevant or the most recent reference is posted; please follow the paper trail from there.
For the literature reviews, anyone wishing to volunteer a 15-min review of a paper (old and classic or recent and curious) is encouraged to do so.

The schedule is subject to change on short notice, but what you see posted here is always up to date.

Since unpublished/unfinished work will be discussed, the meetings will not normally be open to the general public, although there will be occasional exceptions to this rule when a more seminar-style event is held.
Please email Alex Schekochihin if you would like to participate in these meetings.

Financial support for those coming from outside Oxford is available: travel will be paid by the Leverhulme Network grant.
If a guest room is required in Oxford, this can be arranged, although might prove difficult if requested on very short notice.
The grant can also support overseas visitors --- suggestions about whom to invite are welcome.

Autumn 2007
Winter-Spring 2008

Summer 2008
Autumn 2008

Hilary Term 2009

Thursdays, 2:30pm, in a room announced below, except when indicated otherwise or on the days when the Culham Theory Seminar is held
(contact Nuno Loureiro for further info on the Culham Theory Seminar).

Note that there is a train from Culham at 14:01, arriving to Oxford at 14:14, so the interested Culhamites can be in Oxford in time for the meeting.

DateTime & PlaceTopic(s)Background ReadingSpeaker(s)Visitors During the Week
5-9 JanUCLA Winter School.
Tue 13 Jan4:00pm, ImperialOlga Alexandrova (U of Cologne) is giving a seminar at SPAT on dissipation-range turbulence in the terrestrial magnetosheath.Olga Alexandrova
(U of Cologne)
[staying in London 12-13 Jan]
Wed 14 Jan10am, CulhamGroup meeting this week is superceded by J. B. Taylor's 80th-birthday conference at Culham
(email Jack Connor for info on that)
Thu 22 Jan2:30pmCoffee in Breakfast Room (upstairs from the Roberts Room).
Coffee cannot be taken to the Roberts Room!
Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Fitzjames 1
(Roberts Room),
Merton College
Tutorial on the ballooning theory for axisymmetric plasmas (continued from Oct 30). Slides: pdf, 1.1 Mb
classic paper:
Proc. Roy. Soc. A 365, 1 (1979)
recent review:
Plasma Phys. Rep. 32, 539 (2006)
Jack Connor
Thu 29 Jan2pm, CulhamThe 6th Culham Theory Seminar: speakers Matt Lilley (Imperial) on fast-particle-driven modes and Geoff Fishpool (Imperial) on LES.
(contact Nuno Loureiro for further info).
Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Thu 5 Feb2:30pmCoffee in Breakfast Room (upstairs from the Roberts Room).Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Fitzjames 1
(Roberts Room),
Merton College
Electron MHD Reconnection (30 min overview of the problem).PRL 99, 235001 (2007)
JGRA 106, 3715 (2001) (the GEM challenge paper)
PoP 2, 4104 (1995)
Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Alfven modes in tokamaks: overview of the problem and report on the joint work in Texas with B. Breizman.Preprint can be obtained from Ian upon requestIan Abel
(Oxford & Culham)
Thu 12 Feb2:30pmCoffee in Breakfast Room (upstairs from the Roberts Room).Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Fitzjames 1
(Roberts Room),
Merton College
Transport in a tokamak: formulation of the problem, modeling approaches, plan of action for the coming months.arXiv:0901.2868
(Michael's PhD thesis)
Michael Barnes
(Oxford & Culham)
16-20 FebWorking group meeting in Vienna.
Fri 20 Feb11:45am, Dartington HouseJack Connor (Culham) will speak about transport barriers in the Mathematical Institute's workshop series
(email Dr Rebecca Gower with any further inquiries).
Dmitri Uzdensky
[in Oxford 20-24 Feb],
Franco Rappazzo
Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Tue 24 Feb4:00pm,
D. Sciama Lecture Theatre, DWB
Dmitri Uzdensky (Princeton) is giving the Oxford astrophysics colloquium on magnetic reconnection.
Thu 26 Feb2:00pm, Culham The 7th Culham Theory Seminar: speakers Franco Rappazzo (JPL) on coronal heating, Greg Colyer (Culham) on TGLF transport model and Michael Barnes (Oxford & Culham) on multi-flux-tube transport modeling
(contact Nuno Loureiro for further info).
Thu 5 Mar3:00pm,
Fitzjames 1
(Roberts Room),
Merton College
Literature review (15 min): Michael 1954Mathematika 1, 45 (1954)
(reprint, pdf, 1.5 Mb)
Mark Rosin
Franco Rappazzo
Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Tutorial on galaxy clusters, cooling flows, related plasma physics and all that.ApJ 665, 1057 (2007)
(observational evidence)
James Binney
Thu 12 Mar2:30pmCoffee in Breakfast Room (upstairs from the Roberts Room).Matt Kunz
Alessandro Zocco
(Politecnico di Torino)
Fitzjames 1
(Roberts Room),
Merton College
Cosmic magnetism and multifluid MHD from interstellar clouds to protoplanetary disks.MNRAS 385, 1494 (2008)
Matt Kunz
16 Mar - 10 AprNo group meetings. Dynamo/weak turbulence programme in Paris.
2-3 AprIOP Meeting on Instabilities and Turbulence in Fusion Plasmas at Warwick.
(including an invited talk by Oxford's Michael Barnes on the linked-flux-tube transport modelling)

Trinity Term 2009