Percolating Cosmic String Networks from Kination, Padua (String Pheno), 06/24
String Theory and the Early Universe: Constraints and Opportunities, Moriond Cosmology, 04/24
Space, Manor Primary School, Didcot, 01/24
String Theory and the First Half of the Universe (BLACKBOARD TALK), Kings College London, 10/23
String Theory and the Early Universe, COST WISPers meeting, Bari 09/23
Physics at the End of the World, SUSY, Southampton 07/23
Axions: From Angles to Particle, Oxford Morning of Theoretical Physics, 11/22
Physics At The End of the World, FPUK Meeting, Swansea, 09/22
Physics At The End of the World, Oxford Morning of Theoretical Physics, 06/22
Holographic Questions on Moduli Stabilisation, Annecy/Lyon (online), 03/22
String Theory: A Theory of What?, UIC (online), 02/22
Exploring the Holographic Swampland, Swampland Seminar (online), 10/21
The Holographic Swampland, Dalitz Seminar, Oxford, 5/21
From string theory to Active Galactic Nuclei: searching for axions with X-rays, Lucca (GRC Conference), 05/17
From string theory to Active Galactic Nuclei: searching for axions with X-rays, Munich, 05/17
From string theory to Active Galactic Nuclei: searching for axions with X-rays, Oxford (theory colloquium), 05/17
String Theory and Cosmology: Ships that pass in the night, Leuven, 04/17
Searches for dark matter and axion-like particles in Active Galactic Nuclei, DESY (New Directions in String Phenomenology), 02/17
Searching for New Physics with Active Galactic Nuclei, Oxford (undergraduate physics society), 02/17
Searches for dark matter and axion-like particles in Active Galactic Nuclei, Aveiro, 01/17
Searches for dark matter and axion-like particles in Active Galactic Nuclei, Barcelona, 01/17
Moduli and Axions in the X-ray Universe, Uppsala, 11/16
Status of the 3.5 keV Line, Oxford lunch seminar, 10/16
Moduli and a Cosmic Axion Background, Frankfurt (FIAS Workshop on Quantum Gravity), 09/16
Lectures on string phenomenology (blackboard), Chengdu (Summer School), 07/16
Searching for ALPs in Galaxy Clusters, ICTP Trieste (QuevedoFest), 05/16
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, Bonn (Bethe Institute), 03/16
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, Cambridge, 01/16
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, Institute for Nuclear Research, Sofia, 11/15
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, PASCOS 2015, Bonn, 07/15
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, Gordon Research Conference, Hong Kong, 06/15
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, CERN, 05/15
Dark Radiation and a Cosmic Axion Background, Sussex, 03/15
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, Copenhagen (CP3 Origins), 03/15
Making Light from the Dark Universe, Cambridge (undergraduate physics society), 02/15
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes , Portsmouth, 01/15
Moduli, a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background and the Galaxy Cluster Soft Excess , Imperial, 11/14
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes , Kings College London, 11/14
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes , Daejeon, 10/14
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, DESY Theory Workshop, 09/14
Moduli Stabilisation: The Why and the What?, String Pheno 2014 (ICTP), 07/14
Galaxy Clusters as Tele-ALP-scopes, Johns Hopkins Workshop, 07/14
Moduli, a 0.1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background
and the Galaxy Cluster Soft Excess, Princeton (Strings 2014), 06/14
A Cosmic ALP Background and Soft X-ray
Excesses from Galaxy Clusters, Patras Axion Meeting (CERN), 06/14
Making Light from the Dark Universe,Oxford (undergraduates), 05/14
BICEP: Implications for Theory,Oxford (Maths Institute), 05/14
BICEP: Implications for Theory,Oxford, 04/14
Dark Radiation, The Cluster Soft Excess and a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background, Nottingham, 01/14
Dark Radiation, The Cluster Soft Excess and a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background, Madrid (Christmass Meeting), 12/13
The Cluster Soft Excess, Dark Radiation and a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background, Oxford (Astrophysics Colloquium), 12/13
A 0.1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background and the
Cluster Soft Excess, Sussex, 11/13
Dark Radiation, The Cluster Soft Excess and a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background, Trieste, 11/13
Dark Radiation, The Cluster Soft Excess and a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background, Heidelberg, 10/13
The Cluster Soft Excess, Dark Radiation and a
0:1 − 1 keV Cosmic Axion Background, Cambridge, 10/13
Dark Radiation and a 0.1-1keV Cosmic Axion Background, Cambridge (COSMO 2013), 09/13
Searching for a Cosmic Axion Background, DESY (String Pheno 2013), 07/13
Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Theoretical Physics Alumni Talk, 06/13
Origin and Phenomenology of Dark Radiation, Bonn (Planck 2013), 03/13
Origin and Phenomenology of Dark Radiation, Southampton, 05/13
Origin and Phenomenology of Dark Radiation, Kings London, 03/13
Dark Radiation in LARGE Volume Models, Oxford Axion Workshop, 01/13
Dark Radiation in LARGE Volume Models, Hamburg, 11/12
Dark Radiation in LARGE Volume Models, Brussels, 11/12
Dark Radiation in LARGE Volume Models, Bad Honnef, 10/12
Superpotential Desequestering in String Models, Madrid, String Pheno Workshop, 09/12
Cosmophysics of the LARGE Volume Scenario I, Hokkaido, UTQuest Workshop, 08/12
Cosmophysics of the LARGE Volume Scenario II, Hokkaido UTQuest Workshop, 08/12
Quantum Gravity Constraints on Inflation (BLACKBOARD), Isaac Newton Institute, 06/12
Brane-Antibrane Backreaction in Axion Monodromy Inflation (BLACKBOARD), Uppsala (Workshop on Brane Backreaction), 05/12
Brane-Antibrane Backreaction in Axion Monodromy Inflation (BLACKBOARD), Paris, 01/12
Supersymmetric Radiative Flavour (BLACKBOARD) Cambridge (Cavendish), 10/11
String Theory: Alexander or Ozymandias?, Balliol College, Oxford, 10/11
Scattering and Sequestering
of Local Moduli in Local Models , Madison (String Pheno 2011), 08/11
The Large Volume Scenario: A Status Report, Stockholm, 06/11
Vacuum Destabilisation by Dense Astrophysical Objects (BLACKBOARD), Cambridge (DAMTP), 01/11
Supersymmetric Radiative Flavour (BLACKBOARD), Glasgow, 04/11
Anomaly Mediation in Superstring Theory , Puri, India (Indian Strings Meeting 2011), 01/11