Theory Methods in
Condensed Matter Physics HT 2005
A: Exchange Interaction from strong
Coulomb Repulsion
Strong Coupling expansion of the half-filled Hubbard model
B: Coherent State Path
Integral for Spins
1. Single-Spin Problem
2. Berry's Phase
3. Many Spins
4. Continuum Limits
Quantum Ferromagnets
1. Classical Equations of Motion
2. Solution of the linearized equations
Quantum Antiferromagnets
1. Continuum
Limit and the O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model
2. One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets
3. Topology
4. Wilsonian RG, beta-function and anomalous dimension
5. Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets: epsilon expansion
6. Large-N Techniques