Condensed Matter Theory Seminars
Condensed Matter Theory Seminars
These are held every other Friday at 1 pm during term time. They are aimed at a general condensed matter
theory audience.
Condensed Matter Seminars
These are held jointly with the Condensed
Matter group in the Clarendon Laboratory every Thursday at 2:15 pm during
term time. Of these, two each term are given by theorists.
The Forum
Originally modelled on seminars at the Landau Institute,
this seminar has evolved into an informal talk, usually given using the
blackboard only, in which the speaker goes into some new and interesting
topic in some depth, and the audience is encouraged to ask questions.
Held on alternate Wednesdays during term at 11:15 am.
Informal Condensed Matter Theory Seminars
Held every other Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Fisher room.
Theory of Soft and Biological Matter Seminars
Held every Thursday at 1:00 pm in the Fisher room.
Links to other seminars of interest
Theoretical Physics Seminars Fridays at 2:15 pm.
Theoretical Chemistry Seminars Mondays at 5:00 pm.
Soft Matter, Biomaterials and Interfaces Seminar Tuesdays at 4:00 pm.
Stochastic Analysis Seminars in Mathematics - Mondays at 2:15 and 3:45 pm.
Differential Equations and Applications Seminar Thursdays at 4.30 pm.
This week's seminars in Mathematics.
Seminars at ISIS.
INSTANS Summer School 2007 at Oxford.
School and Workshop on Highly Frustrated Magnets and Strongly Correlated
Mesoscale Modelling for Complex Fluids and Flows.
All seminars in Theoretical Physics in the Current Year.