Research areas
J L Cardy:
Quantum entangled and disordered systems, aspects of noise in biological systems.
Measures of quantum entanglement in condensed matter
Time evolution of low-temperature quantum systems
Solvable models of quantum disorder
The clathrin pathway in endocytosis
Diseases with very long incubation periods
J T Chalker:
Coherence, correlations and disorder in quantum and classical systems.
Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets
Mesoscopic conductors and nanostructures
Quantum Hall systems
F Essler:
Low-dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems.
Correlated Electron Systems
Quasi one dimensional Quantum Magnets
Quasi one dimensional Mott Insulators
Integrable Models
Frustrated Quantum Magnets Stripes
Classical Nonequilibrium Dynamics
Prof P Fendley:
Statistical mechanics of strongly correlated systems
Statistical mechanics
Condensed matter physics
Mathematical physics
R Golestanian:
Soft and Biological Matter
Active Hydrodynamics
Casimir Effect
DNA Elasticity
D E Logan (Department of Chemistry):
Strongly correlated systems: Kondo physics versus internal degrees of freedom.
A A Louis:
Soft and biological systems.
Protein Crystallisation
Nuclear Pore Complex
R Moessner:
Constraints, correlations and topology in condensed matter and statistical physics.
Geometrically frustrated magnets
Quantum phase transitions
Gauge theories
New and exotic type of order
Magnetic nanoarrays
Quantum Hall physics
D Sherrington:
Statistical (and some quantum) physics of complex systems.
Spin glasses and quenched disordered complex systems
Glassiness without imposed quenched disorder
Game theory, decision making and econophysics
R B Stinchcombe:
Driven quantum systems and low dimensional strongly correlated quantum systems.
Nonequilibrium collective behaviour
Driven diffusive systems
Complex systems with quenched disorder and frustration
J M Yeomans:
Soft and Biological Matter.
Liquid crystals
Droplet Dynamics
Dynamics of Biosystems
Granular Segregation
Closely related and collaborative research is undertaken in Theoretical Chemistry by D E Logan, W Barford and J Doye.
See also our entry in the departmental research booklet.