Andrei Starinets

Postdoctoral & PhD positions in Gauge-String duality

Postdoctoral positions

There are no postdoctoral positions in Holography & Gauge-String Duality available at the moment.

Postdoctoral and senior postdoctoral positions potentially affiliated with Holography group include Junior Research Fellowships (available each year from the triangle of Christ Church - Merton - St John's colleges, typical application deadline - November), Royal Society Fellowships and STFC Rutherford Fellowships (deadline for enquiries - early July) and Marie Curie Fellowships.

HEP postdoc rumor mill

PhD positions

Holography group has no capacity to take new graduate students in 2018.

In general, to apply for PhD (DPhil) positions in the Holography group, please follow the standard path for applying to Oxford Theoretical Physics graduate program indicating "Dr A Starinets" in the section "potential supervisor" on the application form. Please note that all applications are considered (and relevant decisions are made on merit basis) by the Graduate Admissions committee unrelated to Holography group. The Holography group itself has no funds to support PhD positions. If you are admitted to PhD program in Particle Theory, you may further apply for a place in the Holography group - final decision regarding supervisor allocations is made by the Particle Theory group in late October of your first academic year in Oxford.