Postdoctoral fellowship opportunities
The following fellowship applications are available for people who wish to do research in Theoretical Astrophysics, at the University of Oxford. Please note that full, original and complete applications must be sent to the Administrative Secretary in Theoretical Physics at least 8 WORKING DAYS BEFORE the official deadline. We will help you with salary costings, signatures etc. The address is:
Administrative Secretary,
Theoretical Physics,
1 Keble Road,
Oxford OX1 3NP,
United Kingdom.
We will send your application off for you (with copies) to the appropriate institute. If you have any queries please email James Binney, John Magorrian or Alexander Schekochihin.
Advanced and Postdoctoral Fellowships
PPARC deadline - mid October
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand
- Violette and Samuel Glasstone Research Fellowships in Science
Our deadline: November - Royal Society
University Research Fellowships
Applications should be submitted online at The Royal Society deadline: early January
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand - Dorothy
Hodgkin Fellowships
The Royal Society deadline: early February
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand -
Marie Curie Intra-European Postdoctoral Fellowhips
The EC deadline: mid Febuary
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand -
Marie Curie Incoming International Postdoctoral Fellowhips
The EC deadline: mid Febuary
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand - 1851
Royal Commission Fellowships
The Royal Commission deadline: late Febuary
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand - Sir Norman Lockyer Fellowship
(not offered every year)
RAS deadline: late March
Our deadline: eight working days beforehand