Condensed Matter Theory
Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford

About Us

The Condensed Matter Theory Group in the subdepartment of Theoretical Physics at Oxford is one of the largest and most diverse in the United Kingdom, with around 40 members. There are eight permanent or emeritus senior staff. In addition, at any one time we usually have at least one long-term postdoctoral fellow, about 12 postdoctoral researchers supported by UK and EC research grants, and 14 postgraduate students. This activity also attracts several visitors each year, many of whom come with their own funds and some who are supported by visiting fellowships. The main source of funding for the group is a Programme Grant from the Physics Programme of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Despite the size and diversity of the group, there are strong interactions between many of its members, as well as with the particle physics and astrophysics groups in the subdepartment.

This is our Publications List, 2002-2005, or here, in PostScript format.

The Group runs several series of seminars, some with visiting speakers and others showcasing the recent work of its own members.

Through the Theoretical Physics subdepartment, there is a co-ordinated syllabus of introductory post-graduate lectures, as well as more advanced lecture series on topics of current interest.

An important occasion each day, for the group and for the whole subdepartment, is the coffee half-hour each morning, which gives all the members of the group an opportunity for informal discussion.

This page last modified by JLC, Aug 2005.