Posted by Apple on January 17, 2013, 3:10 pm, in reply to "Re: Sound Polarisation"
How would one go about creating a polarised wave? Thinking first of springs, it's clear that any displacement will change the length of every spring from its displacement length.
Should we be thinking in a quantum way to solve this? If the wave function was two spheres separated by some distance, I suppose you would have a longitudinal wave along the axis that runs through the centres of two spheres? I struggle to think of the equivalent for a transverse wave. Could we set one atom in a circular motion to propagate a (mostly) transverse wave?
I don't think discrete energy levels can save the situation, as in most cases the energies of the waves will be many, many times hbar*omega
I hope this description of my thought process is okay, but it helps me refine where I'm confused (or if I need to be)
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