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R.J. Elliott |
- A Preliminary Survey of the Paramagnetic Resonance
Phenomena Observed in Rare Earth Ethyl Sulphates (with K.W.H. Stevens). Proc.
Phys. Soc., A. 64. 205 (1951).
- The Paramagnetism of Cerium Ethylsulphate: Theory.
(with K.W.H. Stevens). Proc. Soc. A. 64. 932 (1951).
- Paramagnetic Resonance in Gadolinium Ethylsulphate
(with Bleaney, Scovil and Trenam). Phil. Mag. (Ser. 7) 62. 1062,
- Dipole-dipole Interaction in the Rare-earth
Ethylsulphates (with Bleaney and Scovil). Proc. Phys. Soc. A. 64. 933
- The Paramagnetism of Samarium Ethylsulphate: Theory
(with K.W.H. Stevens). Proc. Phys. Soc. A. 65. 370 (1952).
- The Theory of Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth
Salts; Cerium Ethylsulphate (with K.W.H. Stevens). Proc. Roy. Soc. A.
215 . 437-452 (1952).
The Theory of Magnetic Resonance
Experiments on Salts of the Rare Earths (with K.W.H. Stevens). Proc. Roy. Soc.
A. 218. 553-566 (1953).
- The Magnetic Properties of Certain Rare-earth
Ethylsulphates (with K.W.H. Stevens). Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 219. 387-404
- Crystal Field Theory in the Rare Earths. Rev. Mod.
Phys. 25. 167-169 (1953).
- A Theory of the Paramagnetism of Uranyl-like Ions.
Phys. Rev. 89. 659-660, (1953).
- Resistance Anomalies in Some Rare-earth Metals.
Phys. Rev. 94. 564-568 (1954).
- Theory of g-values and Spin-lattice Relaxation for
Paramagnetic Resonance in Conduction Electrons. Reprinted from ''Defects in
Crystalline Solids - Report of 1954 Bristol Conference''. 121.
Spin-orbit Coupling in Band Theory -
Character Tables for some ''Double'' Space Groups. Phys. Rev. 96.
280-287 (1954).
- Effect of Spin-orbit Coupling on Paramagnetic
Resonance in Semi-conductors. Phys. Rev. 96. 266-279 (1954).
The Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons
by Magnetic Spin Waves (with R.D. Lowde). Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 230. 46-73
- Theory of Neutron Scattering by Conduction Electrons
in a Metal and on the Collective-electron Model of a Ferromagnet. Proc. Roy.
Soc. A. 235. 289-304 (1956).
- The Vibrations of a Perturbed Lattice. Phil. Mag.
1 . 298 (1956).
- On the Multiple Spin Wave Scattering of Neutrons in
Ferromagnets (with R.D. Lowde and W. Marshall). Proc. Phys. Soc. A. 69
. 939 (1956).
- Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Eu
3+ . Proc. Phys. Soc. B. 70. p.119-123 (1957).
- The Theory of Neutron Scattering by Magnetic
Substances. Proceedings of Meeting of Neutron Scattering in Solid State
Physics, Stockholm (1957). 58.
Intensity of Optical Absorption by
Excitons. Phys. Rev. 108 . 1384-1389, (1957).
Theory of Critical Scattering (with
W. Marshall). Rev. Mod. Phys. 30. 75-89 (1958).
- The Polarisation of Luminescence in Diamond (with
I.G. Matthews and E.W.J. Mitchell). Phil. Mag. 3. 360-369. (1958).
- Theory of the Effect of a Magnetic Field on the
Absorption Edge in Semiconductors (with T.P.McLean and G.G. Macfarlane). Proc.
Phys. Soc. 82. 553-565 (1958).
- Theory of Fine Structure on the Absorption Edge in
Semiconductors (with R. Loudon). J. Phys. Chem. Solid, 8. 382-388
- Theory of Semiconductors (with P.C. Banbury).
Metallurgical Reviews, 4. 257-308 (1959).
- Group Theory of Scattering Processes in Crystals
(with R. Loudon). J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 15. 146-151 (1960).
Theory of the Absorption Edge in
Semiconductors in a High Magnetic Field (with R. Loudon). J. Phys. Chem.
Solids. 15. p.196-207 (1960) .
- Speculation on the Centres Formed by Nitrogen in
Diamond. Proc. Phys. Soc. 76. 787-791 (1960).
- Some Properties of Concentrated and Dilute
Heisenberg Magnetics of General Spin. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 16. 165-168
- Equivalence of the Critical Concentration in the
Ising and Heisenberg Models of Ferromagnetism (with Heap, Rushbrooke and
Morgan). Phys. Rev. Letters 5. 366-367 (1960).
- Line-Widths in Neutron-phonon and Neutron-magnon
Scattering (with H. Stern). Proc. Vienna Symposium on Neutron Scattering,
I.A.E.A. (1960).
Neutron Scattering from a Liquid on a
Jump Diffusion Model (with C. Chudley). Proc. Phys. Soc. 77. 353-361
- Theory of Exciton Spectra in Cu2O.
Proc. Prague Semiconductor Conference, Czech. J. Phys. 408-410 (1961).
Symmetry of Excitons in
Cu2O. Phys. Rev. 124, 340-359 (1961).
=""> Phenomenological Discussion
of Magnetic Ordering in the Heavy Rare Earth Metals. Phys. Rev. 124.
345-359 (1961).
=""> Theory of Random Dilute
Magnets (with B. Heap). Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 265. 264-283,
- Theory of Magnetic Resonance in Heavy Rare Earth
Metals (with Cooper, Nettel and Suhl). Phys. Rev. 127. 58-68
- Phenomenological Discussion of Magnetic Ordering in
the Heavy Rare Earth Metals. J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 17. Suppl. B-I, 1
- Summary of Theoretical Aspects. Proc. Exeter
Conference on Semiconductors. 902-905 (1962).
Theory of Excitons - from ''Excitons
and Polarons''. (Publ. Oliver and Boyd) (1963).
- The Possible Observation of Electronic Raman
Transitions in Crystals (with R. Loudon) Phys. Letters. 3. 189-190
- The Vibrations of an Atom of Different Mass in a
Cubic Crystal (with P.G. Dawber). Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 273. 222-236
- Theory of Optical Absortion by Vibrations of Defects
in Silicon (with P.G. Dawber). Proc. Phys. Soc. 81. 435-460
Theory of the Resistance of the Rare
Earth Metals (with F.A. Wedgwood). Proc. Phys. Soc. 81. 846-855,
Spin-wave Theory of Magnetic
Resonance in Spiral Spin Structures (with B.R. Cooper). Phys. Rev. 131.
1043-1056 (1963).
- Theory of Correlations and Scattering of Lattice
Vibrations by Defects Using Double-time Green's Functions (with D.W. Taylor).
Proc. Phys. Soc. 83. 189-197 (1964).
- Effects in Non-metals at High Magnetic Fields. Brit.
J. Appld. Phys. 14. 770-772 (1963).
- Rare Earth Magnetism in Relation to the Mossbauer
Effect. Rev. Mod. Phys. 36. 385-391 (1964).
- The Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Ordering in
the Heavy Rare Earth Metals (with F.A. Wedgwood). Proc. Phys. Soc. 84 .
63-75 (1964).
- Optical Absorption Due to the Vibration of Defects.
''Lattice Dynamics'' 459-466 (1964).
- Infra-red Absorption of H and D ions
in CaF2 (with W. Hayes et al.) ''Lattice Dynamics'' 475-477
- Theory of Optical Absorption by Vibration of Defects
in Diamond (with P.G. Dawber) ''Lattice Dynamics'' 479-484 (1964).
Theory of Magnetism in the Rare
Earth Metals from ''Magnetism'' Vol. IIA. 385-424 (1965).
- Theory of Neutron Scattering by Lattice Vibrations
in Imperfect Crystals (with A.A. Maradudin). Bombay Symposium I.A.E.A. 231-247
Localised Vibrations of H
- and D - Ions in Alkaline Earth Fluorides
(with Hayes, Sennett, Macdonald and Jones). Proc. Roy. Soc. 289 . 1-33
- Effects of Uniaxial Stress and Electric Fields on
Localised Vibrational Modes (with Hayes and Macdonald). Phys. Rev. Letters
15 . 961-964 (1965).
- Impurity and Anharmonic Effects on Neutron
Scattering by Phonons. Brookhaven Symposium 23-28 (1965).
- Space Group Theory for Spin Waves (with W.
Brinkman). J. Appl. Phys. 37. 1457-1459 (1966).
Theory of Spin Space Groups (with W.
Brinkman). Proc. Roy. Soc. 294. 343-358 (1966).
Aberdeen Lectures ''Vibrations of
Defects in Lattices in Phonons''. 377-402, Oliver and Boyd (1966).
- Argonne Lectures ''Vibrations of Defects in
Lattices''. Report ANL 7237 (1967).
- Cortina Lecture 1967 ''Elementary Excitations and
their Observation and Spin Waves''. ''Elementary Excitations in Solids''.
300-305; 306-315 (Plenum Press 1969).
- Theorem on Spin Waves in Helical Spin Structures
Adapted from the Goldstone Theorem (with R.V. Lange). Phys. 152.
235-239 (1966).
- Vibrations of Random Dilute Alloys (with D.W.
Taylor). Proc. Roy. Soc. 296. 161-188 (1967).
- Theory of Neutron Scattering from Liquid and Solid
Hydrogen (with W.M. Hartmann). Proc. Phys. Soc. 90. 671-680
- Theory of One-Phonon Impurity-induced Infra-red
Absorption in Rare Gas Solids (with W.M. Hartmann). Proc. Phys. Soc. 91
. 187-198 (1967).
- Group Theoretical Selection Rules in Inelastic
Neutron Scattering (with M.F. Thorpe). Proc. Phys. Soc. 91. 903-916
- Theory of Vibrations of Pairs of Defects in Silicon
(with P. Pfeuty). J. Phys. Chem. Solids 28. 1789-1809 (1967).
- Theory of Spin Phonon Coupling in Paramagnetic Salts
and its Effect on Thermal Conductivity (with J.B. Parkinson). Proc. Phys. Soc.
92. 1024-1039 (1967).
- Elastic Strains in Imperfect Crystals (with J.A.
Krumhansl and T.H. Merrett). ''Proc. Irvine Conference on Localised
Excitations'' (Gordon and Breach 1967). 702-712.
- Conference Summary ''Proc. Irvine Conf. on Localised
Excitations'' (Gordon and Breach, 1967). 773-780.
- Orbital Effects on Exchange Interactions (with M.F.
Thorpe). J. Appl. Phys. 39. 802-807 (1968).
- Magnon-magnon and Exciton-magnon Interaction Effects
on Antiferromagnetic Spectra (with M.F. Thorpe, G.F. Imbusch, R. Loudon and
J.B. Parkinson). Phys. Rev. Letters 21, 3. 147-150 (1968).
- Localisation of Electrons in Impure Semiconductors
by a Magnetic Field (with J. Durkan and N.H. March). Rev. Mod. Phys. 40
, 4 812-815 (1968).
- Pair Effects and Self-consistent Corrections in
Disordered Alloys (with R.N. Aiyer). Phys. Rev. 181. 1006-1015
The Effects of Magnon-magnon
Interactions on the Two Magnon Spectra of Antiferromagnets (with M.F. Thorpe).
J. Phys. C. (Solid State Physics) 2. 1630-1643 (1969).
- Modified Exchange Interactions in Dilute Alloys
(with J.A. Blackman). J. Phys. C. (Solid State Physics) 2. 1670-1682
- Resistance due to Potential Scattering in Dilute
Magnetic Alloys (with J.A. Blackman). J. Phys. C. (Solid State Physics)
2 . 2009-2106 (1969).
- General Introduction - Excitations in Molecular
Crystals (Faraday Society Discussion) (1969).
- Critical Behaviour of the Pseudo-spin Model for
Order - Disorder Type Ferroelectrics with a Short Range Interaction (with P.
Pfeuty) - Proceedings of the European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Saarbrucken
1969 (Wissenschaftliche Verlagg Esellschaft MBH Stuttgart, 53-62, 1970).
- Two-magnon Pairing Effects on the Optical Spectra of
Antiferromagnets (with M.F. Thorpe) from ''Light Scattering Spectra of
Solids'', Proceedings of the International Conference on Light Scattering
Spectra of Solids, New York (1968). (Springer Verlag N.Y.) 199-206 (1969).
Indirect Exchange in Alloys of
General Composition (with J.A. Blackman). J. Phys. C. (Solid State Physics)
33. 2066-2080 (1970).
- Thermal Expansion and Volume Change of Crystals
Containing Substitutional Point Imperfections (with K.H. Timmesfeld). Phys.
Stat. Sol. 42. 859-869 (1970).
Ising Model with a Transverse Field
(with P. Pfeuty and C. Wood). Phys. Rev. Letters 25. 443-446
- Two Magnon Pairing Effects (with A.J. Smith).
Journal de Physique. C1-586-9 (1970).
- Spin Waves at the Transition in Holmium. Atomic
Energy of Canada Ltd. AECL-3805 (1971).
Theory of Co-operative Jahn-Teller
Distortions in DyVO 4 and TbVO4 (with
Gehring, Malozemoff, Smith, Staude and Tyte). J. Phys. C. 4 . L179-184
- Electron-phonon Coupled Modes in Jahn-Teller
Systems. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Light Scattering
in Solids, Paris 1971. (Ed. M. Balkanski, Flammarion Sciences) 354-357.
- Acoustic Anomalies in Jahn-Teller Coupled Systems
(with S.R.P. Smith and A.P. Young). J. Phys. C. 4. L317-322
- The Pseudo-spin Formalism for Displacive Transitions
in ''Structural Phase Transitions and Soft Modes''. (Universitetsforlagt)
235-254 (1971).
- The Ising Model with a Transverse Field. I. High
Temperature Expansions (with C. Wood). J. Phys. C. 4. 2359-2369
- The Ising Model with a Transverse Field. II. Ground
State Properties (with P. Pfeuty). J. Phys. C. 4. 2370-2385
- Raman Scattering and Theoretical Studies of
Jahn-Teller Induced Phase Transactions in Some Rare-earth Compounds (with
Hayes, Harley and Smith). Proc. Roy. Soc., London, A328. 217-266
- Two-Magnon Raman Scattering and Infra-red Absorption
in (MnZn)F2 (with Buchanan, Buyers, Harley, Hayes, Perry and
Saville). J. Phys. C. 5. 2011-2026 (1972).
- Theory of Spin Waves in Disordered Antiferromagnets.
I. Application to (MnCo)F2 and K(MnCo)F3
(with W.J.L. Buyers and D.E. Pepper). J. Phys. C. 5. 2611-2628
Brillouin Scattering, Ultrasonic and
Theoretical Studies of Acoustic Anomalies in Crystals Showing Jahn-Teller Phase
Transitions (with Sandercock, Palmer, Hayes, Smith and Young). J. Phys. C.
5 3126-3146 (1972).
- Spin Waves in Disordered Systems II. The Dilute
Antiferromagnet (MnZn)F2 (with W.J.L. Buyers and D.E.
Pepper). J. Phys. C. 6. 1933-1952 (1973).
- Excitations in Dilute Magnets Using the Coherent
Potential Approximations (with D.E. Pepper). Phys. Rev. B. 8. 2374-2378
Excitations in the Dilute Heisenberg
Ferromagnet Using the Coherent Potential Approximation (with Harris, Leath and
Nickel). J. Phys. C. 7. 1693-1718 (1974).
- Theory of Spin Waves in Dilute Magnetic Systems.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism. Moscow, 5.
329-337 (1973)
- The Pseudo-spin Model and its Application to
KDP-type Materials (with A.P. Young). Ferroelectrics 7. 23-30
- Low Frequency Response of KDP-like Crystals in the
Pseudo-spin Model (with A.P. Young). J. Phys. C. 7. 2721-2728
Cooperative Jahn-Teller Effects in
the Mixed Crystals Tb pGd1-pVO4 and
Dyp Y 1-pVO4 (with Harley, Hayes,
Perry, Smith and Saville). J. Phys. C. 7. 3145-3160 (1974).
- The Dilute Ising Model in a Transverse Field (with
I.D. Saville). J. Phys. C. 7 4293-4298 (1974).
The Theory and Properties of
Randomly Disordered Crystals and Related Physical Systems (with J.A. Krumhansl
and P. Leath). Revs. Mod. Phys. 46, 465-586 (1974).
- Central-cell Corrections to the Theory of
Ionized-impurity Scattering of Electrons in Silicon (with H.I. Ralph and G.
Simpson). Phys. Rev. B. 11. 2948-2956 (1975).
- Impurity and Anharmonic Effects in Lattice Dynamics.
Proc. International School of Physics ''Enrico Fermi'', Varenna 1972 (Academic
Press 1975) 342-383.
The Wigner Transition in a Magnetic
Field (with W.G. Kleppmann). J. Phys. C. 8. 2729-2736 (1975).
- Neutron Scattering by Electrons in a Magnetic Field
(with W.G. Kleppmann). J. Phys. C. 8. 2737-2744 (1965).
- Light Scattering in Brazil. Physics Bulletin
27 . 12 (1976).
- On the Intensity of Electronic and Vibrational Raman
Scattering (with L.C.M. Miranda). Light Scattering in Solids. Proc. 3rd
International Conference, Campinas. (Flammarion Paris 1976) 552-556.
- Light Scattering by Spin Waves in Disordered Solids
(with W. Hayes). Light Scattering in Solids. Proc. 3rd International
Conference, Campinas. (Flammarion Paris 1976) 203-213.
- High Concentration Mixed Crystals and Alloys (with
P.L. Leath). Chap. 6. Dynamical Properties of Solids Vol. 2 (Eds. Horton and
Maradudin. North Holland 1975) 385.
- Soft Electronic and Vibrational Modes Near Phase
Transitions. Crystal Field Effects in Metals and Alloys (Ed. A. Furrer).
(Plenum 1977) 76-83.
- The Co-operative Jahn-Teller Effect and Related
Problems. Physica 86-88B. 1118-1121 (1977).
- Theory of Systems with Random Ising Bond
Interactions in the Paramagnetic Phase (with R.A. Tahir-Kheli). J. Phys. C.
10 . 275-294 (1977).
- Temperature Dependent Intensity in the Optical
Absorption Spectrum of Ferromagnet K2CrCl4 (with
A.K. Gregson, P. Day and A. Okiji). J. Phys. C. 9. 4497-4502
- A Raman-scattering Study of Disorder in PbF
2 at High Temperatures (with W. Hayes, A.J. Rushworth, J.F. Ryan and
W.G. Kleppmann). J. Phys. C. 20. L111-L114 (1977).
Excitations in the Heisenberg
Ferromagnet at Finite Temperature Using Coherent Potential Approximation (with
J. Taguena-Martinez). J. Phys. C. 10. 719-728 (1977).
- Dynamics of the One-dimensional Transverse Ising
Model (with L.L. Goncalves). Physica 86-88B. 581-582 (1977).
- Electric Susceptibility Evidence for the
Electronically Driven Lattice Dilation in Cerium Ethylsulphate (with Taylor,
McColl, Harrison and Goncalves). J. Phys. C. 10. L407-412 (1977).
- Theoretical Investigation of Raman Scattering by
CaF 2-type Superionic Conductors (with Kleppmann). Proc.
International Conference on Lattice Dynamics, Paris (Ed. M. Balkanski,
Flammarion, 1978) 544-546.
- CPA Theory for Mixed Ferroelectric Crystals (with
D.W. Taylor). Ferroelectrics 16. 69-71 (1977).
- CPA Theory of Diluted Heisenberg Ferromagnet with
Random First-and-Second Neighbour Exchange Bonds (with R.A. Tahir-Kheli and T.
Fujiwara). J. Phys. C. 11. 497-511 (1978).
- Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Effects of
Anharmonicity and High-temperature Disorder on Raman Scattering in Fluorite
Crystals (with Hayes, Kleppmann, Rushworth and Ryan). Proc. Roy. Soc., London,
A360 . 317-345 (1978).
- Thermal Properties of the XY Model on a Linear Chain
in Random Fields with Application to PrES (with L.L. Goncalves). J.
Phys. C. 12. 1703-1707 (1979).
- Excitations in the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet at
Finite Temperature Using Coherent Potential Approximation (with J.
Taguena-Martinez and E. Sansores). J. Phys. C. 12. 1363-1371
- Localisation of Excitations Near the Percolation
Threshold (with T.A.L. Ziman). J. Phys. C. 11. L847-850 (1978).
- Thermal Properties of the XY Model on a Linear Chain
in Random Fields with Application to PrES (with L.L. Goncalves). J.
Phys. C. 12. 1703-1708 (1979).
- Theory of Neutron Scattering by Excitons (with P.
Shukla). J. Phys. C. 12. 5463-5469 (1979).
- A CPA Theory of Excitations in Structurally
Disordered Materials Using a Lattice Model (with R. Djordjevic and T.
Fujiwara). J. Phys. C. 12. 2519-2529 (1979).
- Spin Waves in a Heisenberg Antiferromagnet at Finite
Temperature Using the Coherent Potential Approximation (with J.
Taguena-Martinez and E. Sansores). J. Appl. Phys. 50, (1979).
- Thin Films of Itinerant-electron Ferromagnets on a
Non-magnetic Metallic Substrate (with B. Cox and R.A. Tahir-Kheli). Phys. Rev.
B. 20. 2864-2868 (1979).
- The Tricritical Point in Dilute Metamagnets (with
T.A.L. Ziman). J. Phys. C. 13. 845-855 (1980).
- Spin Waves in the Planar Ferromagnetic Chromium
Chlorides (with Hengeltraub, Harrop and Ziman). J. of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials 15-18. 359-361 (1980).
- Citation Classic - Theory of Optical Absorption by
Excitons. Current Contents 19. 14 (1979).
- Theory of Donor-and-Acceptor-Bound Phonons (with M.
Kanehisa and M. Balkanski). Proc. 15th International Conference Physics of
Semiconductors, Kyoto. J. Phys. Soc. Japan 49, Suppl. A. 699-701
Vibration Modes of a Two-dimensional
Wigner Lattice Coupled to Ripplons on a Liquid-helium Surface (with A.G.
Equiluz and A.A. Maradudin) Physical Review B. 24. 197-217
- Vibrations and Diffusion of Atoms in Superionic
Crystals and Melts (with M. Dixon). Journal de Physique. Colloque C6, Suppl.
42 . 175-178 (1981).
- CPA Theory for Jump Diffusion of Particles in
Periodic Lattices (with K.K. Kaski and R.A. Tahir-Kheli). J. Phys. C.
15 . 209-220 (1982).
- Diffusion Blocking at Low Particle Concentration
(with R.A. Tahir-Kheli and K.K. Kaski). Phys. Letts. 88A. 473-475
- Excitations in Disordered Systems: Introductory
Lectures. Excitations in Disordered Systems (Ed. M.F. Thorpe, Plenum
- A Comparison of Bond and Site CPA's for Dilute
Systems (with B.K. Chakrabarti and R. Djordjevic). J. Phys. C. 15.
4091-4101 (1982).
- Vibrations of Defects in Amorphous Si (with
R.A. Barrio). J. Phys. C. 15. 4493-4501 (1982).
- Vacancy-assisted Tracer Diffusion: Response at Small
Vacancy Concentration (with R.A. Tahir-Kheli). J. Phys. C. 15. L445-453
- Occupancy Correlation Functions for Classical
Particle Hopping: Small Concentration Limit in Cubic Bravais Lattices (with
R.A. Tahir-Kheli). J. Phys. C. 15. 5751-5762 (1982).
- A Two-dimensional Wigner Lattice in the Presence of
a Random Array of Pinning Centres (with A.G. Eguiluz and A.A. Maradudin).
Surface Science 113. 426-431 (1982).
Correlated Random Walks in Lattices:
Tracer Diffusion at General Concentration (with R.A. Tahir-Kheli). Phys. Rev.
B. 27 . 844-857 (1983).
- Two-dimensional Wigner Lattice in a Magnetic Field
and in the Presence of a Random Array of Pinning Centres (with A.G. Eguiluz and
A.A. Maradudin). Phys. Rev. B. 27. 4933-4945 (1983).
- Frequencies of Longitudinal Vibrations of a
Two-dimensional Wigner Crystal Coupled to Ripplons on the Surface of Liquid
Helium. Ab Inito Calculations of Phonon Spectra (Ed. J.T. Devreese) Plenum
- Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Hydrogen in
Amorphous Silicon (with R.A. Barrio and M.F. Thorpe). J. Phys. C. 16.
3425-3434 (1982).
- Theory of Raman and Infra-red Properties from Models
of Amorphous Si (with R.A. Barrio). Kinam, 4. Series C. 55-64
- Molecular Dynamics of Disordered Copper: A
Comparison of Constant Pressure and Constant Volume Simulations (with S. de
Leeuw and M. Dixon) A.E.R.E. Report. TP 923 (1982).
Molecular Dynamics of Disordered
Copper: A Comparison of Constant Pressure and Constant Volume Simulations (with
S. de Leeuw and M. Dixon). Phil. Mag. A46. 677 (1982).
- Bond CPA for Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (with
R.A. Barrio and E. Sansores). Proc. 10th International Conference on Amorphous
and Liquid Semiconductors (North Holland 1984).
- Long-range Correlations in Bethe Lattices (with F.
Yndurain and R.A. Barrio). Phys. Rev. B. 28. 3576-3578 (1983).
- ''Magnetic Phase Transitions'', Ed. M. Ausloos and
R.J. Elliott, Solid State Science Series, p.2 (Springer Verlag 1983).
- Introduction to the Theory of Excitons. From
''Polarons and Excitons in Polar Semiconductors and Ionic Crystals''. Ed: by
H.T. Devreese and F. Peeters (Plenum Pub. Corp. 1984).
- The Jahn-Teller Effect. Journal of Luminescence
31 and 32 (1984) 29-36.
Vibrational Decoupling of Rings in
Amorphous Solids (with Galeener, Barrio and Martinez). Phys. Rev. Lett.
53. 2429-2432 (1984).
- Study of Localised Electronic Excitations by Neutron
Scattering. From: Condensed Matter Research Using Neutrons (Eds. S.W. Lovesey
and E. Scherm). (Plenum, 1984).
- Electronic and Nuclear Order in Non-Magnetic (E)
Doublet Systems (with Bowden and Oitmaa). Proc. Roy. Soc., London, A399
. 73-91 (1985).
- Exciton Binding Energy in Quantum Wells Including
the Heavy-light Hole Interaction (with Duggan, Ralph and Chan) in
''Semiconductor Quantum Well Structures and Superlattices'', Strasbourg 1985;
(Ed. K. Ploog and N.T. Ling) 47.
- Interface Recombination in P-Type
GaAs-(AlGa)As Quantum Well Heterostructures (with Duggan and Ralph).
Solid State Communication, 56. 17-20 (1985).
- Vibrations in Amorphous Materials and at Interfaces.
Paper presented at The Second International Conference on Phonon Physics,
Budapest (26th-30th August 1985).
- Quantisation Effects and Interface Recombination in
GaAs-(AlGa)As Quantum Wells (with Duggan and Ralph) in ''Semiconductor
Quantum Well Structures and Superlattices'', Strasbourg 1985; (Ed. K. Ploog and
N.T. Link) 37.
- Modelling the Raman Spectrum of the
Amorphous-Crystal Si System (with A. Carrico and R.A. Barrio). J. Phys.
C. Solid State Phys. 19. 1113-1122 (1986).
- Effects of Electron Electron Correlations on Defect
and Interface States in Amorphous Si and SiO2 Systems
(with R.A. Barrio and A. Carrico). Phys. Rev. B. 34 . 879-885
- Model of Electronic States at the
Si-SiO2 Interface (with A. Carrico and R.A. Barrio). Phys.
Rev. B. 34 . 872-878 (1986).
- Correlated Random Walk in a Multicomponent Alloy.
Self-consistent Decoupling Approximation (with P. Holdsworth). Phil. Mag. A.
54 . 601-618 (1986).
- Polarization and the Haldane-Anderson Model of
Defects in Non-metals (with W.B. Fowler). Phys. Rev. B. 34. 5525-5529
- Correlated Random Walks on Two-sublattice Systems I.
Theory (with P. Holdsworth and R.A. Tahir-Kheli). Phys. Rev. B. 34 .
3221-3232 (1986).
- Correlated Random Walks on Two-sublattice Systems
II. Monte Carlo Simulations (with R.A. Tahir-Kheli and P. Holdsworth). Phys.
Rev. B. 34. 3233-3237 (1986).
- Effect of Disorder on Exciton Binding in
Semiconductor Alloys (with M.A. Kanehisa). Phys. Rev. B. 35. 2228-2236
(Feb. 1987).
Linewidth Dependence of Radiative
Exciton Lifetimes in Quantum Wells (with J. Feldman, G. Peter, E.O. Göbel,
P. Dawson, K. Moore and C. Foxon). Phys. Rev. Letters 59. 2337-2340
- Exciton Binding in Binary Semiconductor Alloys (with
M.A. Kanehisa). Proc. 18th International Conference on Physics of
Semiconductors. (World Scientific, Singapore, Editor, O. Engström)
1417-1420 (1987).
- Information Technology - ''Central Casting'' article
in The Times Higher Educational Supplement, 18th March 1988.
- Vibrations of Boron Oxide Glass (with M.A.
Kanehisa). Mat. Sci. Eng. B3. 163-166 (1989).
- Correlated Tracer Diffusion in a Disordered Medium
(with R. Brak). Mat. Sci. Eng. B3. 159-162 (1989).
- Theory of Magneto-Exciton Binding Energy in
Realistic Quantum Well Structures (with D.M. Whittaker). Solid State Comm
68 . 1-5 (1988).
Correlated Random Walks with Random
Hopping Rates (with R. Brak). J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 1. 10299-10319
Shell Model Molecular Dynamics
Calculations of the Raman Spectra of Molten NaI (with J.A. Board). J.
Phys. Cond. Mat. 1 2427-2440 (1989).
Computing - A New Dimension in
Scientific Research. Sci. Publ. Affairs 3 111-119 (1988).
- Computing - A New Dimension in Scientific Research.
Roy. Inst. Proc. 175-186 (1989).
- Theory of Excitonic Effects on the Luminescence of a
2d Degenerate Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field (with D.M. Whittaker and J.
Rorison). Solid State Comm. 75. 703-706 (1990).
- Introduction to `Optical Properties of Mixed
Crystals' Ed. R.J. Elliott and I.P. Ipatova (North Holland 1988).
- The Changing Scene for Authors and Users in
''Knowledge for Europe'' Ed. H-P. Geh, J. Davies and M. Walckiers, (KG Saur
Regular Ring Dynamics of AX2 Tetrahedral
Glasses (with R.A. Barrio, F.L. Galeener and E. Martinez). Phys. Rev. B.
48. 15672-15689 (1993).
- A Model of Diffusion in a Spatially Disordered
Lattice (with L.T. Perondi). J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 5. 6857-6878
- Ionic Conduction in
(1-x)B2O3 + xLi2O3 (with
R.A. Barrio and L.T. Perondi). J. Non-Cryst. Solids 168. 167-178
- Tracer Diffusion in Lattices with Double Occupancy
of Sites (with R.A. Barrio, K. Kaski and L.F. Perondi) Phys. Rev. B. 50
. 9868-9874 (1994).
- Evidence for Rings in the Dynamics of Tetrahedral
Glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 182. 1-8 (1994).
Weighted Two-Particle Green's
Functions in the Coherent-potential Approximation (with N.F. Schwabe). Phys.
Rev. B. 53. 5301-5317 (1996).
Approximation of Excitonic
Absorption in Disordered Systems Using a Compositional-component-weighted
Coherent-potential Approximation (with N.F. Schwabe). Phys. Rev. B. 53.
5318-5329 (1996).
- Research Funding in UK Universities. Bull. de la
Soc. Franc. de Phys. 104. 19-20 (1996).
- Optical Properties of Quantum Wires: Fermi-edge
Singularity Exponents and the Low-density Limit (with H.H. von Grünberg
and K.P. Jain). Phys. Rev. B. 54 1987-1997 (1996).
Ruderman-Kittle-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY)
interaction across a tunneling junction out of equilibrium (with N.F. Schwabe).
Phys. Rev. B. 54, 12953-12966 (1996).
- Analytical Model for the Refractive Index in Quantum
Wells Derived from the Complex Dielectric Constant of Wannier Exictons in
Non-Integer Dimension (with C. Tanguy, P. Lefebvre and H. Mathieu). J. Appl.
Phys. 1997.
- Chairmans Report - Proc. of ICSU/UNESCO Exper
Conference on `Electronic Publishing in Science' Ed. D.F. Shaw and H. Moore
(UNESCO Publications, Paris 1996).
Developments in Magnetism Since the
War. Mat. Phys. Med. Dan. Vid. Selsk 45, 13-34 (1997).
- The Development of Supercomputing in the UK. Proc.
3rd UNAM Supercomputing Conference, Ed. Gerardo Cisneros, (World Scientific
Models of Atomic Diffusion in
`Atomic Diffusion in Disordered Materials', Ed. M. Balkanski, World Scientific
- I. Tracer Diffusion in a Bond Disordered Square
Lattice (with L. Perondi and K. Kaski), J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 9,
7933-7948, 1997.
- II. Tracer Diffusion in a System with Randomly
Distributed Traps (with L. Perondi and K. Kaski), J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 9
7949-7961, 1997.
- The RKKY Interaction across a Tunnel Junction out of
Equilibrium in Relation to the Spin Current (with C. Heide and N. Wingreen), J.
Mag. Mag. Mat. 177- 181, 769-770 (1998).
Spin-polarized Tunnel Current in
Magnetic-layer Systems and its Relation to the Interlayer Exchange Interaction
(with C. Heide and N. Wingreen), Phys. Rev. B 59, 4287-4304 (1999).
- Unified Approach to Tunnel Magnetoresistance and
Non-equilibrium Exchange (with C. Heide), Europhys. Lett. 50, 271-7
- Voltage Dependence of the Magnetic State in Tunnel
Junctioning (with C. Heide, P. Zilberman et al.), J. Appl. Phys. 87 ,
5221 (2000).
- Two-particle approximation to the diffusion
coefficient of a tracer particle (with L.F. Perondi and K. Kaski), J. Phys.
Cond. Matt. 12, 7199-7294 (2000).
Current-driven Switching at Magnetic
Layers (with C. Heide and P.E. Zilberman), Phys. Rev. B 63, 064424
- Current Hysteresis due to Changes in Magnetisation
at Magnetic Tunnel Junctions by Spin-polarised Current (with C. Heide, P.
Zilberman et al), Europhys. Lett. 53, 625-632 (2001).
- Current Hysteresis in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
(with C. Heide, P. Zilberman et al.) Phys. Solid State (trans Fiz. Tver.Tela)
46 , 1093-6 (2001).
- Current-voltage Characteristics of Magnetic Tunnel
Junctions (with C. Heide, P. Zilberman et al.) J. Comm. Tech. Elect. (trans
Radiotekhnika Electronika) 46, 93-98 (2001).
Quantum to Classical Transitions for
Small Magnetic Clusters in a Field (with J. B. Parkinson, J. Timonen and E.
Vitala), J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 14, 45-58 (2002).
- 128/63 On the Critical Concentration in Heisenberg
- 20/82 The Effects of Time Reversal and Axial
Inversion Symmetries on Linear Response Coefficients (with F. Fumi and C.
- Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Metals (Plenum
- An Introduction to Solid State Physics and its
Applications (with A.F. Gibson) (Macmillan 1974).
- Magnetic Phase Transitions (Edited with M. Ausloos)
(Springer 1983).
- Optical Properties of Mixed Crystals (Edited with
I.P. Ipatova) (North Holland 1988).
- Scientific Applications of Multiprocessors (Edited
with C.A.R. Hoare) (Prentice Hall 1989).
- Atomic Diffusion in Disordered Materials - Edited by
M. Balkanski and R.J. Elliott (World Scientific, 1997)
- Disorder in Condensed Matter Physics - a volume in
honour of Roger Elliott (Edited by J.A. Blackman and J. Tagüeña)
(OUP 1991)
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