Mario A Serna Jr

Mario At Durham I'm a graduate student pursuing a D.Phil. at Oxford University in Theoretical Particle Physics. My supervisor is Prof Graham Ross. I'm married to Laura Evans Serna who is starting a Fair Trade Fashion Company called Injeanio.

Past and Current Research Areas


  • Currently a D.Phil. Candidate, Oxford University, Theoretical Physics. Supervisor: Prof Graham Ross.
  • 2003: M.S., Electrical Engineering, Center for High Technology Materials, University of New Mexico. Supervisor: Prof Sanjay Krishna.
  • 1999: M.S., Physics, Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Supervisors: Prof Lisa Randall and Prof Alan Guth
  • 1997: B.S., Physics and Mathematics, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO. Supervisor: Prof Iyad Dajani.

Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Dudley, S. and Serna, M. "A Spaceship with a Thruster-One Body, One Force, (physics/0406150) " . Am J Phys., Vol 73, No. 6, June 2005, pg 500-506
  2. Serna, M. and Cahill, K. "Riemannian Gauge Theory and Charge Quantization" (hep-th/0205250) . Journal of High Energy Physics. 0310 (2003) 054.
  3. Serna, M. "Model and Fabrication of a Proof-of-concept Polarimeter-in-a-pixel, (physics/0406080)" Masters Thesis in Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico. July 2003.
  4. Serna, M. "Polarimeter Using Quantum Well Stacks Separated By Gratings," US Patent No 6906800. B2. June 14, 2005.
  5. Serna, M. "Single-Pixel Polarimeter: Dielectric-Gratings Model and Fabrication Progress." Infrared Physics & Technology. 44 (2003) 457-464.
  6. Guth, A.H., Randall, L. and Serna, M., "Day-night and energy dependence of MSW solar neutrinos for maximal mixing." (hep-ph/9903464) .Journal of High Energy Physics, 08 (1999) 018,

Conference Papers

  1. Serna, M., Strafaccia, J., Zeringue, C., "The Geometric Origin of Electric Force" Journal of Physics: Conference Series 24 (2005) 219-224.
  2. Serna, M. and McCauley, D. "Generalizing a Quantum-well Infrared Single-pixel Polarimeter to Fourier-transform Spectro-polarimetric Imaging". Proceedings of the SPIE , August 2004, 5543 (2004) 66 -78.
  3. Cardimona, D., Huang, D., Le, D., Gingrich, H., Serna, M. "Advanced IR detector devices and concepts for remote sensing" Proceedings of the SPIE, Nov 2003 5152 (2003) 316-326.
  4. Serna, M. "Quantum-Well Detector Concept for Hyperspectral Coregistered, Full-Stokes-Vector Detection" Proceedings of the SPIE, July 2002. 4823 (2002) 113.
  5. Wellems, D., Serna, M., Sposato, S.H., Fetrow, M.P., Bishop, K.P., Arko, S.A., and Caudill, T.R. "Spectral Polarimetric BRDF Model and Comparison to Measurements from Isotropic Roughened Glass", MHS (Multi and Hyper-Spectral) Conference, Huntsville, AL. November 2000,
  6. Serna, M. and Baird, L. "Comparison of brain structure to back-propagation-learned structure", IEEE: International Conference on Neural Networks 1996, pg 706.

Conference Presentations

  1. Serna, M., "Charge Uniqueness and the Hidden Spatial Geometry of Electromagnetism" VI Mexican School on Gravitational and Mathematical Physics: Approaches to Quantum Gravity. Playa del Carmen, Mexico. November 2004.
  2. Serna, Mario. "Polarimeter-in-a-pixel." Collegiate Inventors Competition, National Finalist. New York, NY. October 2003.
  3. Serna, M. "Update on Single-Pixel-Polarimeter Modeling and Fabrication", session G8.009, American Physical Society, March Meeting, 2003.
  4. Serna, M and Cahill, K. "An Embedding-Space Tool for Understanding the Geometry of Gauge Theories", Division of Particle and Fields, American Physical Society Annual Meeting (DFP2002) , May 2002.
  5. Serna, M and Cahill, K. "Geometry of Gauge Theory and Charge-Quantization", Division of Particle and Fields, American Physical Society Annual Meeting (DFP2002) , May 2002.
  6. Serna, M. "Model of Eight Layer Quantum-Well/Grating Structure", session B8-7, American Physical Society, March Meeting, 2002.
  7. Norton, H., Serna, M., Le, D., Morath, C. "Theory / Experiment Comparison of Quantum-Well Responsivity vs. Grating Parameters", session X8-8, American Physical Society March Meeting, 2002.