The meeting will be held in the Fisher Room (Level 5) of the Denys Wilkinson Building (directions)
12:30 Lunch (DWB Canteen)
13:30 Steve Biller (Oxford):
A third mix-up for experimentalists
16:00 Kai Zuber (Sussex):
Double deta-decay experiments
Lisa Alexander (Manchester), Marco Apollonio (Oxford), Steve Biller (Oxford), Deidre Black (Cambridge), Simon Bray (Manchester), Nick Harries (Oxford), Neil Hodgkinson (Manchester), Stephan Huber (Sussex), Steve King (Southampton), Chun-Hay Kom (Oxford), Phillip Litchfield (Oxford), James Loach (Oxford), Michael Malinsky (Southampton), John March-Russell (Oxford) Christopher Orme (Durham), Gabriel Orebi-Gann (Oxford), Veronique Page (Durham), Simon Peeters (Oxford), Apostolos Pilaftsis (Manchester), Tobias Raufer (Oxford), Steven Rimmer (Durham), Graham Ross (Oxford), Subir Sarkar (Oxford), Alex Sousa (Oxford), Gemma Tinti (Oxford), Tom Underwood (Durham), Ivo Varzielas (Oxford), Stephen West (Oxford), Bill Williams (Oxford), Takeichiro Yokoi (Oxford), Kai Zuber (Sussex)
Graham Ross and
Subir Sarkar
Previous Meetings:
Manchester, 6 Jun 2005;
Durham, 18-19 Dec 2005