Known typos and errors in the Book
see here
Known typos and errors in the homeworks
Note to tutors. Make sure you have the solutions for THIS year's homeworks. They are similar to last year but a few of the problems have changed and a few of the solutions have been improved.
Question 5.5. Please interpret N as the number of unit cells per unit volume.
Known errors from lectures
Lecture 2: In the calculation explaining how to count modes in a box. We got to the form 3 V \int d3k / (2pi)^3. Then we converted to radial coordinates. The integral over dk should have been from k=0 to k=infinity. Somehow I put a k as the upper limit of integration. It was then corrected when we converted from k to frequency, as I did correctly write the upper limit of the frequency integral as infinity. <\li>
Lecture 5: When doing the molecular orbital calculation we wrote down an effective schroedinger equation
sum_j H_{ij} phi_j = E phi_i, where H_{ij} is a 2 x 2 matrix. Mistakenly I wrote sum_{ij}. Sorry about this!