Field Theory in Condensed Matter
Prof. J. Cardy - Hilary Term 2009
This 16-lecture course will cover several important applications of field
theoretic methods to condensed matter physics. Previous exposure
to the path
integral approach to quantum field theory, and Feynman diagrams, will
be assumed, but there will be some revision of these ideas at the beginning
of the course if necessary.
- Field theory, renormalisation group and critical behaviour
- Relation between Euclidean QFT and classical critical behaviour
- Renormalised field theory and critical behaviour
- Critical exponents and the epsilon-expansion
- Other renormalisation group schemes
- Large N
- Critical behaviour in 2d
- 2d Gaussian model
- Relevant and irrelevant perturbations: the 2d XY model and the roughening
- Conformal invariance: finite-size and finite-temperature scaling of correlation functions
- Applications (some selection of the topics below)
- Bosonization in 1+1 dimensions and Luttinger liquid theory
- Quantum critical behaviour
- 1d quantum spin chains
- Kondo problems
Lectures will take place on Mondays and Thursdays 12-1 in the Fisher Room
beginning in Week 1 (Monday January 19.) There will be no lecture on Monday
February 2.
Last updated 17 January 2009.