Ard A. Louis: PhD Thesis
Quantum Dissipation from Phonons; Metallic Hydrogen; Electron-Ion Mixtures
Prologue and Introduction
(postscript 130 Kb)
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview
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Chapter 2: Atomic Tunneling from an STM/AFM Tip: Dissipative Quantum Effects from Phonons
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Chapter 3: Metallization of Fluid Hydrogen
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Chapter 4: A Single Atom in an Electron Gas
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Chapter 5: Electron-Ion Structure Functions
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Chapter 6: Pseudo Atoms and the Quantum Ornstein Zernike Relations
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A) Temporal Bell Inequalities
B) Coupling of the tunneling atom to Raleigh surface phonons: Ohmic dissipation
C) Finite Temperature Hohenberg-Kohn-Mermin Theorem for Multi-Component Charged Systems
D) Non-linear response functions
Full Text (gzipped postscript 394 Kb)
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