Particle Astrophysics and
Research at Oxford
- Pedro Ferreira
- Andre Lukas
(Theoretical Physics)
John March-Russell (Theoretical Physics)
Graham Ross (Theoretical Physics)
Subir Sarkar (Theoretical Physics)
Joseph Silk (Astrophysics)
Gabriel German (Theoretical Physics, 2007-08)
Massimiliano Lattanzi (Astrophysics, 2006-08)
Markus Ahlers, 2007- (STFC, Theoretical Physics)
Sirichai Chongchitnan 2007- (Astrophysics)
Tim Clifton, 2007- (Astrophysics)
Christopher Gordon, 2006- (BIPAC Fellow)
Kate Land, 2006- (Glasstone Fellow)
Roberto Trotta, 2005- (RAS Lockyer Fellow)
Stephen West, 2005- (PPARC, Theoretical Physics -> JRF Magdalen College)
Joe Zuntz, 2007- (Astrophysics)
Daniel Cumberbatch, 2005- (STFC, Astrophysics)
Shaun Hotchkiss, 2006- (Clarendon Scholar, Theoretical Physics)
Philipp Mertsch, 2007- (UniverseNet Early-stage Researcher, Theoretical Physics)
Seshadri Nadathur, 2007- (Clarendon Scholar, Theoretical Physics)
Francesco Riva, 2004- (Greendale/Merton Scholar, Theoretical Physics)
Joao Rosa, 2006- (PRAXIS Scholar, Theoretical Physics)
Tom Zlosnick, 2006- (Astrophysics)
Caroline Zunckel, 2006- (Astrophysics)
Ex-Members (since 2000):
- Bruce
Bassett, 1998-99 (PPARC Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
South African Astronomical Observatory
Gianfranco Bertone, 2000-01 (Marie Curie Student, Astrophysics)
-> now at
Institute of Astrophysics, Paris
Celine Boehm, 2001-05 (PPARC Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at
LAPTH, Annecy and Theory Divison, CERN
Chiara Caprini, 2000-04 (Astrophysics)
-> now at
University of Geneva
Horacio Casini, 2000-01 (CONICET Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Centro Atomico, Bariloche
Sandhya Choubey, 2003-06 (PPARC Speecial Programme Grant, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Harishchandra Research Institute, Allahabad
Sacha Davidson, 1999-2001 (PPARC Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon
Francesc Ferrer, 2001-04 (Marie Curie Fellow, Theoretical Physics -> Leverhulme Fellow)
-> now at
Case Western Reserve University
Thomas Flacke, 2003-07 (PPARC, Theoretical Physics)
- Steen Hansen, 2000-02 (Marie Curie Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at Dark Cosmology Centre, University of Copenhagen
Dan Hooper, 2003-05 (Leverhulme Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at
Theoretical Astrophysics Centre, Fermilab
Paul Hunt, 2000-06 (PPARC, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw
Panagiota Kanti, 2003-04 (PPARC Advanced Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Department of Physics, University of Ioannina
Martin Kunz, 1998-02 (PPARC Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at
University of Geneva
David Maybury, 2005-07 (NSERC/Canada-UK Millenium Fellowship, Theoretical Physics)
Alessandro Melchiorri, 2000-03 (PPARC Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Antonio Palazzo, 2005-07 (INFN Italy Fellowship, Astrophysics)
- Michael Plumacher, 2000-02 (EU Network Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik, Munich
Syksy Rasanen, 2002-05 (PPARC Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
University of Geneva
- Mario Santos,
1999-2002 (Portugese Scholarship, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Institut Superior Technico, Lisbon
David Skinner, 2003-06 (Junior Research Fellow, Somerville
College/Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo
Constantinos Skordis, 2002-04 (Leverhulme Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo
Glenn Starkman, 2005-06 (Sabbatical Visitor, Astrophysics)
-> back at
Case Western University
Andrew Taylor, 2003-06 (PPARC, Astrophysics/Theoretical Physics)
-> now at Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg
James Taylor, 2001- (Leverhulme Fellow, Astrophysics -> PPARC Fellow)
-> now at
Caltech Theoretical Astrophysics
Ramon Toldra, 2000-02 (Marie Curie + Leverhulme Fellow, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Universitat de Barcelona
Carsten van de Bruck, 2003-04 (PPARC Fellow, Astrophysics)
-> now at
University of Sheffield
Filippo Vernizzi, 2000-01 (Marie Curie Student, Astrophysics)
-> now at
ICTP, Trieste
Fermin Viniegra, 1997-2001 (CONACYT, Theoretical Physics)
-> now at
Trinity College, Dublin
For further information, contact:
Prof. Subir Sarkar , Rudolf Pierls Centre for Theoretical Physics,
University of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, UK
Tel: +44 1865 273962;
Fax: +44 1865 273947;
Email: s.sarkar "at"
Homepages of:
/ Particle Physics
/ Theoretical
Last updated: 1 April 2008