Under this heading we are interested in the effect of temperature (T) on the phenomenon of induced fermion number. When fermions interact at T=0, with fields having a "toplogical" configuration - for example, a soliton, a vortex, a monopole, a skyrmion....- it is well known that a fermion number is induced which is related to the spectral asymmetry of the relevant Dirac operator; mathematical results concerning index theorems relate the fermion number to the asymptotic topological properties of the background field. Less is known about what happens at non-zero T. In several cases, the fermion number is T-dependent but the dependence on the background field is still only via its asymptotic (topological) behaviour. Work by I.J.R.Aitchison and G.V.Dunne (Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 1690-1693) provides an example in which the induced fermion number at finite T depends on the detailed shape of the background. The leading low-T terms are summed to all orders in the derivative expansion, leading to a simple result that can be interpreted physically as the different effect of the background on virtual pairs in the Dirac sea and on real particles in the thermal plasma.