A long-standing puzzle concerns the gauge invariance of induced Chern-Simons (CS) terms at finite temperature.General arguments imply that the coefficient of the CS term must be quantised, even at finite T,if the action is to be invariant under topologically non-trivial gauge transformations.On the other hand,simple perturbative calculations contradict this quantisation requirement (see for example I.J.R.Aitchison and J.A.Zuk, Ann.Phys. 242, 77 (1995)). Some exact (non-perturbative) results have been obtained for special gauge field configurations,which show the mechanism whereby gauge invariance is in fact preserved.An elementary derivation is given in I.J.R.Aitchison and C.D.Fosco, Phys.Rev. D 57,1171 (1998).