Friday Theoretical Physics Seminars

Michaelmas Term 2007

Seminars are held on Fridays in odd weeks of term at 2.15 pm in the
Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre, Denys Wilkinson Building

All are welcome to join the speaker for (a bring-your-own) lunch beforehand at 1 pm
in the Discussion Room of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics

12 October
Prof Philip Candelas (Mathematical Institute, Oxford)
"A des res in the landscape"

26 October
Prof Ian Percival (Queen Mary College, London)
"Bell's Theorem, experiment and the locality of physical laws"

9 November
Prof Charles Reichhardt (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
"Colloids as a model system to explore complex matter"

23 November
Prof Philip Mannheim (University of Connecticut)
"Conformal gravity challenges string theory"

Convener: Prof Carole Jordan

Click here to see previous term's programmes