Friday Theoretical Physics Seminars

Hilary Term 2007

Seminars are held on Fridays in odd weeks of term at 2.15 pm in the
Dennis Sciama Lecture Theatre, Denys Wilkinson Building

All are welcome to join the speaker for lunch beforehand at 1 pm
in the Discussion Room of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics

19 January
Prof. M. A. Moore (University of Manchester)
"Structural Glasses as a Spin Glass Problem"

2 February
Prof. C. Sachrajda (University of Southampton)
"Exploring the Limits of the Standard Model with Lattice QCD"

16 February
Prof. Carole Jordan (University of Oxford)
"Investigating inhomogeneities within the chromospheres of cool giant stars"

2 March
Prof. David Rand (University of Warwick)
"Mapping global sensitivity of cellular network dynamics"

Conveners: Prof Carole Jordan , Prof David Sherrington

Click here to see previous term's programmes