1. Turbulence suppression in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas
Supervisor: Prof Michael
CCFE co-supervisor: Dr
Michele Romanelli
[see also
this project at York]
In magnetic confinement fusion,
a strong magnetic field is used to confine a hydrogenic gas as it is
heated to over a hundred million degrees. At these temperatures the gas
becomes ionised and the constituent ions have enough thermal energy to
tunnel through the Coulomb barrier and convert mass into energy via
fusion. This ionised gas, or plasma, generates and responds to
electromagnetic fields and demonstrates collective behavior including
unstable modes of oscillation that result in turbulent mixing. The
unstable modes are driven by gradients in the equilibrium plasma
density, temperature, and flow; in turn, the equilibrium is itself
constrained by the resultant turbulent mixing. This nonlinear feedback
loop ultimately controls the fusion energy output and exhibits a
variety of rich and puzzling dynamical features that span a wide range
of space-time scales. The aim of this project is to address a practical
and fundamental open question regarding these multi-scale turbulent
dynamics: What leads to the appearance of turbulence-free regions in
some current experiments, and can we use these regions to optimise
fusion energy production? The project will require a combination of
analytical theory and cutting-edge numerical techniques and should
benefit from comparisons with data from MAST and JET, two large fusion
experiments housed nearby at the Culham Laboratory, as well as a strong
collaboration with scientists working on the new JT-60SA experiment in
2. Interaction between turbulent plasma fluctuations and high-frequency plasma waves
Supervisor: Prof Felix
Parra Diaz
CCFE co-supervisor: Dr
Jon Hillesheim
York collaborator: Dr David Dickinson [see also
this project at York]
The performance of magnetic
confinement devices is limited by electromagnetic fluctuations driven
by unavoidable plasma instabilities. These fluctuations, commonly known
as plasma turbulence, spoil the confinement provided by the strong
external magnetic fields, and reduce the fusion energy yield. In this
project, the student will study how these intrinsic turbulent
fluctuations (with characteristic frequencies of the order of 10kHz),
interact with high-frequency waves (of the order of 100 GHz) that are
launched into the plasma. The nonlinear scattering of the
high-frequency waves by the plasma fluctuations is a fundamental
problem in plasma physics that requires sophisticated semi-analytical
treatments to bridge the large time-scale separation. The study of the
interaction between low- and high-frequency fluctuations is crucial for
plasma turbulence diagnostics that use the high-frequency waves to
probe the fusion plasma, which is at temperatures hotter than the
centre of the sun and inaccessible to physical probes. The student will
apply the developed theory to the Doppler Back-Scattering (DBS) systems
in JET and MAST, the two experiments at the Culham Centre for Fusion
Energy. In addition to having access to the large database accumulated
in the past three years, the student will have the opportunity to work
with the newly developed DBS system for MAST-Upgrade. This research is
highly relevant to the future of fusion energy because DBS diagnostics
are planned for ITER, the international collaboration to demonstrate
the feasibility of fusion power currently under construction in France,
and similar diagnostics will be necessary in future fusion reactors to
monitor the plasma in real time.
3. Zonal
flow-drift wave interactions in ion-scale turbulence in differentially
rotating tokamak plasmas: BES measurements and gyrokinetic
Supervisor: Prof Alexander
CCFE co-supervisor: Dr
Anthony Field
York collaborator: Dr
Istvan Czeigler [see also
this project at York]
electromagnetic turbulence in fusion plasmas is widely accepted to be
the main culprit in undermining confinement (by vigorously transporting
energy from the core of the plasma to its edge), until relatively
recently most of our understanding of this turbulence or even just of
our knowledge of what it "looks like" had been based on indirect
measures of its effects (primarily heat transport) and on gyrokinetic
numerical simulations. The Beam-Emission-Spectroscopy (BES) diagnostics
have allowed us to probe turbulent fluctuations directly. In
particular, BES data from MAST has been successfully
used to
determine statistical properties of ion-Larmor-scale turbulence and
thereby test
theoretical predictions and gyrokinetic
simulations. In particular, it appears that if the plasma is
differentially rotated, i.e., if locally the turbulence is embedded in
a sheared plasma flow, the nature of the turbulence changes and the
heat trasport can be suppressed. We are far from complete understanding
of this process or indeed the basic structure of the turbulence.
Simulations show that the
experimentally relevant near-marginal turbulent state is crucially
regulated by
the interaction between the equilibrium velocity shear, zonal flows
(coherent shear flows generated by the turbulence itself) and wave-like
electromagnetic fluctuations that form the bulk of the turbulence
(called "drift waves").
This project will focus on this interaction by determining the scaling
of the turbulent and equilibrium parameters, in particular with flow
shear and collisionality (which is a control parameter for zonal
flows), and by comparison with results of gyrokinetic numerical
modeling. The project involves both theoretical and experimental work
(which may mean developing analysis techniques and/or interacting with
actual hardware, depending on your inclinations). In particular, analysis
techniques are to be developed and tested for the detection of
fluctuating 2D flows, with the aim of detecting localised,
self-generated zonal flows.
Both the MAST tokamak and its BES system are being upgraded (due to
come online in 2016/17) and so the student working on this project will
have a unique opportunity to extract new physics results, including
planning dedicated experiments.
Background Reading:
1. M. Barnes, F. I. Parra and A. A. Schekochihin, “Critically
balanced ion temperature gradient turbulence in fusion plasmas,” Phys.
Rev. Lett. 107, 115003 (2011)
2. A. A. Schekochihin, E. G. Highcock, and S. C. Cowley, “Subcritical fluctuations and suppression of turbulence in differentially rotating gyrokinetic plasmas,” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54, 055011 (2012)
3. Y.-c. Ghim, A. A. Schekochihin, A. R. Field, I. G. Abel, M. Barnes,
G. Colyer, S. C. Cowley, F. I. Parra, D. Dunai, S. Zoletnik, and the
MAST Team, “Experimental signatures of critically balanced turbulence in MAST,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 145002 (2013)
4. Y.-c. Ghim, A. R. Field, A. A. Schekochihin, E. G. Highcock, C. Michael, and the MAST Team, “Local dependence of ion temperature gradient on magnetic configuration, rotational shear and turbulent heat flux in MAST,” Nucl. Fusion 54, 042003 (2014)