Errors found printing of Topological Quantum (and other things I want to correct)

  • page 4, top of page, should have parens around (Jones [1985])
  • p 29 there is no footnote 19
  • p 31 fifth line "from the" should be deleted.
  • p 43 footnote 8, fifth line -Q has the wrong typeface
  • p 49 footnote 1, "father or modern" should be "father of modern"
  • p 50 footnote 7. The raising of indices is incorrect here. It should read j^\alpha a_\alpha = j^0 a^0 - j^1 a^1 -j^2 a^2
  • p 64 Exercise 5.3 in the unumbered equation it looks like gamma needs to be made a subscript.
  • p 75, footnote 14, 3 lines from bottom. "Section" should not be capitalized.
  • p 88 section 7.5 third line. There is an extra L after "are" should read :(1) not L(1).
  • page 513 and 514. Here I've written in a few places |\lambda| where in fact lambda is defined to be nonnegative. If in Eq. 34.1 you write this without defining the phase of lambda then you need the absolute value, but I actually explicitly stated lambda nonnegative.
  • page 521. The unnumbered equation starting with "2-hole sphere" the denominator should be D^2 not D.
  • page 603. The first author of "Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter" should be B. Zeng not B. Zhang.