Errors found printing of Topological Quantum (and other things I want to correct)

  • page 4, top of page, should have parens around (Jones [1985])
  • p 29 there is no footnote 19
  • p 31 fifth line "from the" should be deleted.
  • p 43 footnote 8, fifth line -Q has the wrong typeface
  • p 44. Near bottom, for one particle circling the other we have phase e^{2 i q Phi/hbar}. Then I conclude that an exchange is e^{i q Phi/hbar}. Really it should be plus or minus this. To correctly get the sign of a single exchange we should calculate a curl as in Fig. 2.6.
  • p 49 footnote 1, "father or modern" should be "father of modern"
  • p 50 footnote 7. The raising of indices is incorrect here. It should read j^\alpha a_\alpha = j^0 a^0 - j^1 a^1 -j^2 a^2. When do I mean lorentzian vs euclidean signature?
  • p 64 Exercise 5.3 in the unumbered equation it looks like gamma needs to be made a subscript.
  • p 75, footnote 14, 3 lines from bottom. "Section" should not be capitalized.
  • p 88 top piece. I've gotten the notation of the lens space backwards from what is usually written. Usually it is written as L(p,q) but I've written L(q,p), but my p and q correspond to the usual p and q I've just written them in the wrong order. So the usual notation is L(0,1)=S^2 x S^1 and L(1,0) = S^3.
  • p 88 section 7.5 third line. There is an extra L after "are" should read :(1) not L(1).
  • p 180. If we assume spherical property (which we will later do) then d_a = d_{bar a} and all formulae are correct as written. However, at this point we have not assumed this so with the definition in Fig. 14.6, then the d's in 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 should actually have d_{\bar a} rather than d_a. Probably it would be easier here to add a footnote saying we will assume d_a = d_{bar a} henceforth.
  • p 199. The footnote should have "Option A" in quotes like "Option B". (Minor typesetting issue).
  • p 335 second equation (unnumbered). The right hand side should say M_2 not M_1.
  • page 513 and thereafter. Here I've suggested that topological entanglement entropy characterizes topological order. It was pointed out that you can have systems that show "spurious" entanglement entropy which looks like a topological term but is not. This is related to symmetry protected phases discussed in later chapters.
  • page 513 and 514. Here I've written in a few places |\lambda| where in fact lambda is defined to be nonnegative. If in Eq. 34.1 you write this without defining the phase of lambda then you need the absolute value, but I actually explicitly stated lambda nonnegative.
  • page 521. The unnumbered equation starting with "2-hole sphere" the denominator should be D^2 not D.
  • page 524 top equation. Log is missing . The equation is written correctly in 34.18.
  • page 524. In the paragraph starting "More generally" it looks like we could just use the connected sum equation Z(M # M') = D Z(M) Z(M') multiple times since we are connecting together man copies of S2xS1\B3. And indeed this gives the right anser. However, this is not completely obvious that this would be right because of the way we are connecting the pieces together. The opened up S2 surface from the removed B3 has its north and south hemispheres as bra and ket like |N> half connectes to one copy of S2 x S1\B3 and the south half connects to a different copy. The surgery argument handles this correctly.
  • page 531 below 35.3 the word "is" is missing after "symmetry"
  • page 603. The first author of "Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter" should be B. Zeng not B. Zhang.