Posted by Steve Simon on June 16, 2014, 8:31 pm, in reply to "Re: Exam paper"
I don't have the exam paper in front of me (and i am now leaving town for a few days so won't see it again for a bit). But I seem to recall that you had lambda = hbar/(m c) Was that correct? If so, this is also lambda = fermi velocity / debye frequency There are various ways this quantity can be important. I don't remember what in particular this question was asking. Probably, it was asking you to identify this as a "dephasing" length. For example, if an electron is in a "thermal" wavepacket (ie., its energy at the fermi surface is known up to the temperature unceratinty) then lambda = vf/T is the distance a "thermal" wavepacket moves before the phase of the wavepacket becomes completely unknown. |
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