Phase transitions in simple systems
- 1.1 Phase diagrams
- 1.2 Simple models
- Exercises
Mean field theory
- 2.1 The mean field free energy
- 2.2 Critical exponents
- 2.3 Mean field theory for the correlation function
- 2.4 Corrections to mean field theory
- Exercises
The renormalization group idea
- 3.1 Block spin transformations
- 3.2 One-dimensional Ising model
- 3.3 General theory
- 3.4 Scaling behaviour of the free energy
- 3.5 Critical exponents
- 3.6 Irrelevant eigenvalues
- 3.7 Scaling for the correlation functions
- 3.8 Scaling operators and scaling dimensions
- 3.9 Critical amplitudes
- Exercises
Phase diagrams and fixed points
- 4.1 Ising model with vacancies
- 4.2 Cross-over behaviour
- 4.3 Cross-over to long range behaviour
- 4.4 Finite-size scaling
- 4.5 Quantum critical behaviour
- Exercises
The perturbative renormalization group
- 5.1 The operator product expansion
- 5.2 The perturbative renormalization group
- 5.3 The Ising model near four dimensions
- 5.4 The Gaussian fixed point
- 5.5 The Wilson--Fisher fixed point
- 5.6 Logarithmic corrections in d=4
- 5.7 The O(n) model near four dimensions
- 5.8 Cubic symmetry breaking
- Exercises
Low dimensional systems
- 6.1 The lower critical dimension
- 6.2 The two-dimensional XY model
- 6.3 The solid-on-solid model
- 6.4 Renormalization group analysis
- 6.5 The O(n) model in 2+epsilon dimensions
- Exercises
Surface critical behaviour
- 7.1 Mean field theory
- 7.2 The extraordinary and special transitions
- 7.3 Renormalization group approach
- Exercises
Random systems
- 8.1 Quenched and annealed disorder
- 8.2 The Harris criterion
- 8.3 Perturbative approach to the random fixed point
- 8.4 Percolation
- 8.5 Random fields
- Exercises
Polymer statistics
- 9.1 Random walk model
- 9.2 The Edwards model and the Flory formula
- 9.3 Mapping to the O(n) model
- 9.4 Finite concentration
- 9.5 Other applications
- Exercises
Critical dynamics
- 10.1 Continuum models
- 10.2 Discrete models
- 10.3 Dynamic scaling
- 10.4 Response functional formalism
- 10.5 Other dynamic universality classes
- 10.6 Directed percolation
- Exercises
Conformal symmetry
- 11.1 Conformal transformations
- 11.2 Simple consequences of conformal symmetry
- 11.3 The stress tensor
- 11.4 Further developments
- 11.5 The c-theorem
- Exercises
- Appendix: Gaussian integration
- Selected bibliography
- Index