since 2004
Oxford University

University Lecturer, Professor (2006), Research Professor (2012),
Head of Theoretical Physics (2015/16), Fellow of Worcester College
Member of Council (2018-2022)
2002-2005 Brookhaven National Laboratory
Associate Physicist
2000-2003 Warwick University
EPSRC Advanced Fellow, Lecturer, Reader (2002)
1995-1999 Oxford University
Marie Curie Post-doctoral fellow, EPSRC Advanced Fellow
1993-1995 University of Bonn Post-doctoral fellow
1988-1993 SUNY at Stony Brook Exchange/PhD student in Physics
May 1989: MA in Physics, Aug 1993: PhD in Physics
1985-1988 University of Wuerzburg Undergraduate student in Mathematics and Physics
Oct 1987: Vordiplom in Mathematics, Vordiplom in Physics