Louis Group
MPhys projects
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    Louis research group members

Louis Group Alumni

  1. Dr. Nora Martin was a PDRA working on evolution and development. She is now a junior faculty member at the CRG and Barcelona Collaboratorium.
  2. Dr. Wilber Lim was a DPhil student working on twisting DNA. He now works as Deputy DirectorDeputy Director National Quantum Office in Singapore, and does research in theoretical biophysics.
  3. Yizhang Lou was an undergraduate Maths student working on machine learning.
  4. Adam Wiktor was an MMahtPhys student working on quantum machine learning.
  5. Charlie Hamilton was an MMathPhys student working on evolution of RNA. He is now doing a DPhil in the Oxford Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP .
  6. Zaman Keinath-Esmail was an MPhys student working on Occam's razor, she is currently working in Washington DC as an emergency medical technician.
  7. Nahome Tewolde was an MPhys student working on graph neural networks.
  8. Katarzyna Krzyzanska was an MMathPhys student working on sloppy systems and evolution. She is now doing a PhD in Physics at Cornell University.
  9. Dr. Behnam Najafii was a DPhil student working on DNA, jointly supervised by Andrew Turberfield
  10. Dr. Joakim Bohlin was a DPhil student working on DNA, jointly supervised by Andrew Turberfield in CMP. He now works at the University of Chalmers as a Research Engineer focused on Scientific Visualisation.
  11. Joshua Sharkey was a UROP undergraduate student project the summer 2022, working on complexity measures for AIT.
  12. Tom Simpson did a UNIQ+ undergraduate student project the summer 2022, working on RNA folding.
  13. Jed Burkat was an MMathPhys student working on AIT. He is now doing a PhD in quantum information at Cambridge.
  14. Yueshu Guan was an MMathPhys student working on evolution, he then took a job at Mihoyo, a computer games company.
  15. Minjun Jeon was an MMathPhys student working on machine learning. He is currently doing a DPhil in Oxford Materials Science.
  16. Cristiano Da Cruz was an MPhys student working on Occam's Razor. He now works for CSRN.
  17. Radek Grabarczyk was an MMathPhys student working on renormalization group and deep learning, he is now doing a DPhil in particle physics in Oxford.
  18. Dr. Vaibhav Mohanty was a DPhil student working on algorithmic information theory and genotype-phenotype maps, he is now studying at the Harvard Medical School/MIT MD-PhD programme. He also writes music.
  19. Tasmin Sarkany was an Mphys student working on evolution. She is now doing a PhD in stem cell biology and medicine at Cambridge.
  20. William Henderson was an MMathPhys student working on machine learning, he is now doing a DPhil in Oxford Condensed Matter Physics.
  21. Erik Rydow was an MMathPhys student working on sloppy systems, after working in Oxford Engineering, he is now doing a DPhil in Oxford atomic and laser physics.
  22. Dr. Guillermo Valle Perez was a DPhil student working on machine learning and algorithmic information theory. He moved on to a postdoc in the Flowers laboratory INRIA in Bordeaux.
  23. Dr. Pedro Fonseca was a DPhil student working on modelling single strand assembly in DNA.
  24. Mingwei Ma was an MMathPhys student working on machine learning, he is now a PhD student at U of Chicago.
  25. Henry Rees was an MPhys student working on machine learning, he is now working in consulting.
  26. Ouns El Harzli was an MSc Maths student working on machine learning, after working for BCG, he returned to Oxford to do a DPhil in Computer Science.
  27. Isaac Reid was an undergraduate student working on machine learning, he is now doing a PhD in machine learning at Cambridge University.
  28. Vuk Radovic was an undergraduate student working on machine learning.
  29. Etienne Lempereur was a visiting student from the ENS in Paris, working on genetic algorithms and machine learning.
  30. Dr. Ferdinando Randisi was a DPhil student working on DNA. He is now CTO and co-founder of Fabric Nano
  31. Amy Kent was an Interdisciplinary Bioscience DTP student who did a project on stem-cell lineages, now doing a DPhil in Mathematics.
  32. Yoav Rubinstein was an MMathPhys student working on AIT and machine learning, he is now doing a PhD in Neuroscience at the Hebrew University.
  33. Uros Ristivojevic was an MMathPhys student working on machine learning, he now works as a datascientist in industry.
  34. Felix Bunting was an MPhys student working on machine learning. He now works in education policy.
  35. Gabriel Dalboozi was an MPhys student working on modelling DNA.
  36. Romain Rollin was a visiting student from the ENS Lyon, working on twisting DNA. He is now doing a PhD with Pierre Sens in Paris.
  37. Dr. Megan Engel was a DPhil student working on DNA. She after a Schmidt Science Fellow working in the Harvard Applied Mathematics Group of Michael Brenner, she started as an Assistan Professor at the University of Calgary .
  38. Matthew Tarnowski was a synthetic biology DTC student who did a project on gene regulatory networks, now doing a PhD in Bristol.
  39. Dr. Francisco (Chico) Quevedo Camargo was a DPhil student working on evolutionary systems biology, supported by the Clarendon Trust. He was a postdoc at the Oxford Internet Institute, and is now a lecturer (assistant prof) in Computer Science at the University of Exeter.
  40. Boris Barron was an MMathPhys student working on the arrival of the frequent, is now a PhD student in Physics at Cornell.
  41. Samson Wang was an MMathPhys student working on sloppy systems, now doing a PhD at Imperial in quantum information.
  42. Lorenzo Rovigatti was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, he is now a tenure track faculty member at the University of Roma.
  43. Ben Singer was an MPhys student working on formal grammars and complexity. He is now doing a DPhil in Mathematical Ecology
  44. Nora Martin was an MPhys student working on evolution. She is now a PhD student with Sebastian Ahnert at the Sainsbury Laboratory in Cambridge.
  45. Mathias Janvin was an MMathPhys student. He is currently doing an MD/PhD in Oslo.
  46. Ambrose Yim was an MMathPhys student working on sloppy systems. He is currently doing a DPhl in Mathematics at Oxford.
  47. Michele Fava was a visiting student from the Scuola Normale in Pisa. He now doing a DPhil in Physics at Oxford.
  48. Edward Rolls was a DTC student working on modelling evolution. He then did a DPhil in Mathematics at Oxford, before taking a job in finance.
  49. Stephanie Owen was an MPhil student working on evolution. She finished a PhD in cancer research at Cambridge and is now a postdoc with Jacob Scott
  50. Dr. Christian Matek was a DPhil student working on modelling DNA. He is now working in Munich as a doctor and as a medical researcher.
  51. Dr. John Schrek was a postdoc co-supervised with Jonathan Doye. After a postdoc at Columbia University he moved on to Machine learning at NCAR.
  52. Dr. Kamaludin Dingle was a DPhil student working on evolution and algorithmic information theory, as part of the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre He is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at GUST.
  53. Dr Thomas Ouldridge was a DPhil student and then Weir Junior Research Fellow at University College, working on oxDNA He is now a Royal Society University Fellow at Imperial College where he leads a group on Principles of biomolecular systems .
  54. Dr. Petr Sulc was a DPhil student working on biological physics. He was then a Fellow at the Center for Studies in Physics and Biology at Rockefeller University, and is now an assistant professor at ASU .
  55. Alessandro Geraldini was an MPhys student working on modelling DNA. He is now as DPhil student in plasma physics in Oxford
  56. Oliver Bristowe was an MPhys student working on modelling DNA. He now works at Credit Suisse.
  57. Dr. Arthur Straube was a visiting postdoc, he is now at the Free University of Berlin.
  58. Liam Shaw was an MPhys student working on modelling DNA. He left to do a PhD in biophysics at UCL, and is now Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow based in Oxford Zoology.
  59. Alex Lawson was an MPhys student working on modelling DNA
  60. Ben Frot was a DTC student working on L-systems, evolution, and algorithmic information theory, he then did a DPhil in statistics , a postdoc at ETH, and now works in finance.
  61. Owen Thomas was a DTC student working on self-assembly of the bacterial flagellar motor with Dr Richard Berry. After a DPhil in Biostatistics, he now works as a medical statistician in Oslo.
  62. Dr. Ioannis Zacharoudiou was a DPhil student working on simulations and experiments on complex fluids. Jointly with Julia Yeomans and Dirk Aarts . He is now a research associate at Imperial College.
  63. Dr. Steffen Schaper was a DPhil student working on the physics of biological evolution. He then did a postdoc at the Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES), before moving on to Bayer.
  64. Matthew Andrew was an MPhys student working on the physics of evolution, he is currently doing a DPhil with Julia Yeomans.
  65. Christian Schroeder was an MPhys student working on the physics of evolution. He then moved on to a DPhil in machine learning.
  66. Paul Stubley was an MPhys student working on modelling DNA, after a DPHil in Atomic and Laser Physics here in Oxford, he now works as a data scientist in industry.
  67. Anton Kan was an MPhys student working on DNA, after doing research in Japan he did a PhD in Synthetic Biology and Plant Sciences at Cambridge, and then on to a postdoc at ETH.
  68. Tom Wyatt was an MPhys student working on DNA, he then did a PhD in biophysics at UCL, and is now a postdoc at Universite Paris-Diderot, France.
  69. Dr. Iain Johnston was a DPhil Student, jointly supervised with Jonathan he tDoye , At After an MRC fellow at Imperial College. he next took a position at the University of Birmingham, and then moved to a faculty position as an associate professor of Mathematics at the University of Bergen.
  70. Dr. Richard Matthews was a DPhil Student, jointly supervised with Julia Yeomans He is currently a Lise-Meitner Fellow in Vienna with the group of Christos Likos
  71. Dr. Felix Höfling was a visiting postdoc, he is now Professor at the Free University of Berlin.
  72. Rollo Hoare was an MPhys student working on "Understanding the self-assembly of DNA nanostructures", and then did a PhD at the UCL CoMPLEX interdisciplinary research in the life sciences. He now works at a startup called Carv.
  73. Anthony Connor was an MPhys student working on "The Physics of Biological Evolution", he then did a DPHil at the Oxford DTC & in computer science, and now works in industry.
  74. Adam Levy was an MPhys student working on "Understanding the self-assembly of DNA nanostructures". He then did a DPhil in Atmospheric Physics. He now works as a science populariser.
  75. Matt Llewellyn-Jones was an MPhys student working on patch particles. He then becaem PhD student in Cambridge, and now works in industry.
  76. Sam Greenbruy was an MPhys student working on the evolution of simple models for gene networks. After a PhD at the "other place" with Sebastian Ahnert , and a stint advising the government, he became a postdoc at Imperial
  77. Simon Nielsen was an MPhys student working on the evolution of RNA secondary structures. He then did a PhD in mathematical finance at the University of Copenhagen, and now works at the Oxford Man Group , see also his publications .
  78. Dr. Alex Wilber was a PhD student, working with us on self-assembly and based in the group of Jonathan Doye , he now works in tech consulting in Cambridge.
  79. Stuart Lowe was an MPhys student working on evolutionary aspects of "Positive Design for Self Assembly". He then did a PhD on bioresponsive nano-particles at Imperial College , then a postdoc at UNSW, before moving on to industry.
  80. Matt Smith was an MPhys student working on evolutionary aspects of "Positive Design for Self Assembly". He was then a PhD student at the California Institute of Technology and then moved into startups, including being now COO of Insight Data .
  81. Gabriel Villar was an MPhys student working on evolution". He did a DPhil with Hagan Baley the Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre in Oxford, and then moved into startups.
  82. Dr. Jimaan Sane Was a PhD student supported by EPSRC and Schlumberger Cambridge Research through a CASE award. He now works in the City of London
  83. Yedid Hoshen was an MPhys student working on the selectivity of the nuclear pore complex. After working in the City of London, he started a PhD in computer science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem worked for Facebook AI Research, and is now a senior lecturer (assistant professor) in computer science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  84. Anna Lewis was an MPhys student working on positive design for self assembly. After a DPhil through the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre and a stint at McInsey, and as a Computational Biologist at Omicia, Inc, she now works in bioethics, working at the Edmond J. Safra/Center for Bioethics at Harvard University
  85. Rosie Lyus was a part III Chemistry student working on patchy particles. She then went to work for Asynt Technologies
  86. Dr. Johan Padding was a postdoc, supported by the EPSRC through the Impact Faraday programme, in partnership with Schlumberger Cambridge Research. He is now an full professor at the Delft University.
  87. Dr. Stelios Karanikas was a PhD student supported by EPSRC and Schlumberger Cambridge Research through a CASE award.
  88. He is now a postdoc at the Molecular Thermodynamics and Modeling of Materials Lab in Greece.
  89. Ainsley Mayhew Seers was a Part III Physics student, and is now working in the City. He is now a partner at PWC.
  90. Dr. Pauline Wong was a Part III Physics student, then a PhD student in Medical Physics in Cambridge, and after being Reseach Associate in Stanford. she joned GE Healthcare and now Roche.
  91. Chris Ogden was a Part III Physics student, and was then a PhD student in Queens University Belfast
  92. Dr. Arturo Moncho Jorda was a postdoc supported by the Fundación Ramón Areces and is now Full Profesor in de Universidad Departamento de Física Aplicada at the Universidad de Granada.
  93. Dr. I-Chun Lin was a Part III Chemistry student working on patchy particles. She did a PhD in the group of Prof. Ursula Röthlisberger
  94. then a postdoc at the Institute of Neurology at UCL , and now works for the UK Dementia Research Institute .

Louis Group Members Research Publications Mphys projects Positions available Teaching News